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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live's Next Episode: 1/16"

  • Silver_Eagle
    Soul Shriven
    Console versions are my main concern. We really need a release date.
  • Darkonflare15
    Question: We know that attack speed has been moved from plenty of abilities now. Why is attack speed being remove from the game? Will it come back in the future? and is it because of light attack weaving or the new animations.
  • Milf_Hero
    Question: Will the points to level up a star in a constellation increase at a certain star level? Took this picture from the recently posted info about the champion system.


    It says in the description what happens when you upgrade the star. Under that it says, upgrade for 1 blue (mage) champion point. Will we ever see a star that needs 2 or more champion points to be spent to upgrade it?

    If you use this question feel free to call me Milk hero. I realize I may come on to strong for some people... I'm just to much HERO to handle. :wink:
    Edited by Milf_Hero on January 16, 2015 8:27AM
    You name it, and ill kill it.
  • Charadras
    Why, instead of just 1 normal Champion point, you use the war, thief, mage system? If i want to focus myself in 1 stat (stamina For example) why i have to increase my magicka or health putting points into mage/war because i take red/blue/green CP while exping. I Know that there are a lot of perks in the other star but i want to be free to chose where to put my CP. This is not polemical, i love this game and play since beta but i think a system like this Will work better.

    War Inc - EU
    Gilda Italiana PVP
    Apply su
    Charadras DK vr 14 - Ebonheart Pact
  • Darkonflare15
    @***_Hero in the last ESO live they stated that would be four stars that you put points in.Ex. blade expert and bow expert. In that you put only one point in them each time and that there four other stars which unlocks depending on how many points you put in the constellation. Like Butcher and Riposte in your example.

  • Shadow27
    Question regarding animations/graphics:
    Why there is such a low LOD for grass and bushes? Now, when I´m moving towards an area with bigger ammount of grass (not only, but its best seen on such a spots) I can see the grass growing from certain distance. Further behind this distance is not grass at all. It feels really disturbing to me. I was talking about it with your support team and I was said the only thing to remove this effect is increase LOD for grass in game core. So my questions are:

    1) Why there is such a low LOD for grass and bushes?
    2) Will you, please, increase it? Or create a slider in game options to allow players to adjust it manualy like view distance?
    3) Do you plan to make smaller trees "massive" as well as big trees so they cant be walked over?
    4) What about to make bush harder to walk over? Like when in deeper water- you´ll walk slowly through it.
    5) Do you plan to add "streams" to rivers? So when swimming, it´ll not be that easy to overcome big river directly. Stream will carry you away.

    Now other questions:
    1) Do you plan to add more herbs to game? 18 (I believe I counted right) herbs is quiet low number compared to number of cooking recipes and other stuff.
    2) Do you plan to add usage of currently useless alchemy potions like "Panacea of Ravage Health"? It´d be great to use them like not permanent enchant on weapons for example. For now, there are just like 4-5 potions usefull from alchemy which is really low number.
    3) Do you plan to randomize crafting more? Like adding more armor pieces to craft or adding option to add some jewelery stuff on armor pieces/weapons not only to make it stronger but even looking better
    4) What about jewelery crafting?

    I guess that may be all...
    Thanks for answering :)
  • Darkonflare15
    Question: In the last ESO Live before the break it was stated that each buff has a visual appearance to let you know that you got this buff. What kind of distinctions do these buffs make? Will there be a limit to how many show up on my character? Is it going to affect fps?
  • WhiskyBob
    About champion system:
    • Will there be a hard-cap on champion points? If not, and everyone will be able to get all the passives, how does it refer to "building diversity" and "further customization" this champion system was supposed to implement? (And I dont take "it takes very long time to get all of them" for an answer)
    • Aren't you affraid that some trees and their passives will immidiately become non-optional while others (like better loot from chests or 10% chance to increase harvest) will be left in shadows waiting for someone that has all other trees maxed?
    About ultimate generation:
    • New adjustments to ultimate generation is a gamechanger for both pvp and pve. As PvP is not a problem because its easier to adapt to the changes there but some PVE encounters will become hell.
      For example I find it hard to imagine doing Mantikora without nova/veil spam after 30% or vet. DSA or hardmode AA without fast negates. Question is: will pve encounters be modified with ultimate generation+champion system in mind?
    • I have spent some time getting decent ultimate generation on my tank. WW passive, bloodspawn set, putting in crippling slash etc. Now I hear that is being taken away and "uniformed". Don't you have a feeling that ultimate generation changes are kinda forcing people to play the game "your way" ?
    About new animations:
    • How will new animations affect weaving? And what's your stand on weaving/animation cancelling becoming part of the game?
    • How will new animations affect macro abuse?
    • Will new animations affect the dps output that we currently are able to reach while weaving?
    • Aren't you affraid that new animations will soon become a new blame target responsible for all evil and lags in Cyrodill?
    About crafting:
    • With provisioning overhaul - will my current stockpile of various materials become obsolete once the patch goes live?
    • What I hate about provisioning is lack of diversity. In the end, we end up with two high-end products: high-end drink and high-end food because all consummate recipes give exactly the same benefits. Do you plan to implement various effects to the foods like stealth detection, or threat generation or minor spellpower boosts, simply ANYTHING to diversify the recipes somehow?
    • Do you plan to do some changes to crafting writs that are barely useful at the moment?
    • Could you PLEASE adress the "Free To Play"/"Buy To Play" concerns to finally cut the speculation? It's getting tiring.
    • When is any new content coming and what will it be? I am really impressed by "horizontal developement" in this patch but people crave for some new stuff to explore.
    • By taking away passive WW ultimate generation you are making Werewolves more and more useless. The only benefit of being a WW is passive 15% stamina regen in human form with no drawbacks but you don't see people going "feral" because its terrible to maintain (even tho it became easier with Engine Guardian mask feeding on automatons but still feeding is very glitchy and its way too easy to interrupt it by as much as a sneeze). Do you plan to do something about Werewolves anytime soon?
    Edited by WhiskyBob on January 16, 2015 11:18AM
  • ESO_Maya
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ just one question. Could you address the issue of dropping the 6 month sub option and what the plans are in the future? Is the payment model changing?

  • Sarielis
    I have a six month sub are you guys going to take that away from those that already have them?
    Elders Guild
    Sarielis Moonbow Vet14 Sorc
  • VileIntent
    let us know if your going F2P, i need to know if i can save my next months sub fee... and uninstall.

    Q: What changes are being made to Vampires in 1.6?
    Edited by VileIntent on January 16, 2015 1:00PM
  • Wodwo
    Please quell the f2p rumours, if thats the one thing you do all evening then pls just do that.
  • Elsonso
    ESO_Maya wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ just one question. Could you address the issue of dropping the 6 month sub option and what the plans are in the future?



    I would love to see more than "we removed it because it was not popular".

    I would really really (really) like to know if there is any possibility, short of The Deadlands freezing over, that the 180-day subscription could return in the (near) future.

    P.S. - Remember that my forum name is easy to say! Especially for Kai. :grin:
    Edited by Elsonso on January 16, 2015 6:46PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Aldmera
    Question For Lead Animator Ed Lynch

    1. What is with the weird "Diaper-run/skate" (looks like they are sticking their butts out extra far and their feet are sliding along the ground) my characters do after they 1. get off their horse 2. come out of the water 3. come out of a lot of the loading screens? It began after update 1.5 and I was wondering if you knew about it or had any plans for fixing it...
    (it is temporarily fixed in-game by jumping once, but then it just happens again the next time)

    Question about loading screens

    Will they ever do anything to fix the fact that I can get forced into a loading screen right outside the door to a bank or shop ( it seems just to load the door textures), then having to load again into the building? could they create areas in the game where it gives a person a little more leeway on those random load screens?

    Questions about crafting for anyone who can answer

    Will provisioning materials be worth anything once the justice system goes live since it will be harder to get them legally? Will obsolete items I have be converted to their new counterpart of just be deleted/obsolete? with this development of fewer ingredients I can assume fishable fish will never be implemented into the provisioning craft? Any other news on the changes to provisioning?

    How come Glyphs are not an option for what you could get back when you deconstruct weapons/armor? I feel this is a grave oversight, since enchanting materials are one of the hardest/most expensive craft materials to find, and found glyphs are not as abundant as armor and weapons.

    What's the latest news you can share on Spell-crafting?

    Relating to spell-crafting but completely opposite, as spell-crafting will be available to those who have completed the Mage's Guild quest chain and retaken Eyevea, will the Fighter's Guild have a new craft associated with it as well?

    Is there any updates about any other possible new crafting options, such as Jewellering?

  • Darlgon
    Another question for Ed. Is animation the reason we keep running thru the NPCs/mobs when we use Shield Charge? If so, you are to blame for a lot of cussing behind the keyboard. Also, is animation the reason mobs can step INTO your character so you have to swivel to find them INSIDE your character?
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Stonesthrow
    Had these in the other thread, just pasted here 'cause it says "official"...


    1. Can you confirm, once and for all, for the record, YES or NO wether or not Nirncrux can be found in Upper Crag while harvesting ANY node... like Herbs and Runes, and not just ore, cloth and wood... no matter how slim the chance may be?


    1. Usage of less popular herbs as poisons.

    Or at least vary the materials needed in the Writs so we have more reasons to keep them in stock.

    2. Increase the Achievement tracking range limits.

    Examples include, harvesting nodes, treasure chests, refining... several of us like to know how much we have done, so if you could throw a really high number in there (10,000 for harvesting was just silly… shoot for 100k or 1 million) we could at least see how many of these types of things we have done.

    3. Allow for a few custom/junk type self loading tabs in our bag inventory.

    Example would be a tab for me to keep my healing armor, weapons and jewelry in while I am using my tanking gear. Doesn't have to say anything special, just allow us to add what we want to it so it doesn't show up anywhere else. When depositing in the bank it would go to whatever tab it normally would to save a programming hassle.

    On that note, when things calm down a bit... why not implement some of the best basic function upgrade add-ons into your system, like Sous Chef and Shopkeeper. Keep the FTC type add-ons out in the wilds, but some of the simple stuff is a no-brainer to better your game. Some people just do not like using add-ons for a multitude of reasons, and some of these things really should be a part of your game anyway.

    Keep up the great work!
  • ottobot
    Is anything going to be done about detection and combat? When a guard spots you for one second and chases you for 5 minutes in cyrodil, even if you hide behind big rocks or in a building, you are detected to EVERYONE.
  • MissBizz
    I would like to hear more on how enlightment works. In the post that came out yesterday, it said we do not have to be online to gain enlightment. Do we have to be offline to gain it? Or does everyone (regardless of time played) receive the same amount of enlightment every 24/hours?

    Everyone getting it wouldn't make sense, but there was not much clarification on it. Can you please go into a bit more detail?
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • MissBizz
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Goldenjaguar_ESO
    Will we be getting a way to search for guilds and players via some kind of /who command?
  • hazune
    1.How it will look like the item shop?
    2.You mentioned heal potion? whether they will be better than what is available from crafting lead to P2W?
    Polska Gildia - Ebonheart pact
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