Yes, that is the thing i was wishing for. More thoughtful aproasch to please all rather than shifting the pleased crowd to different crowd of people. Why just give joy for other crowd while you can give some for both.
I never like the "Here is a toy for you, oops sorry i will give it to that other kid" aproach ^^
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Yeah, but if you were a new player starting today who only got to V1 after the Champion System was implemented, then you would get 0 CP at that point too.
Personally, I never understood why they wanted to give 30 CP to people who were V1, if that's not how the system is going to work afterwards.
Because a VR1 can still do Silver and Gold and I can't as a VR14....So I get more CP. Thats how it is !!!!!Yeah, but if you were a new player starting today who only got to V1 after the Champion System was implemented, then you would get 0 CP at that point too.
Personally, I never understood why they wanted to give 30 CP to people who were V1, if that's not how the system is going to work afterwards.
They wanted to give those 30 CP to everyone as this is what the content will be balanced on.
Maria said it well in ESO live. "We want that everyone can still do what he currently does".
Sadly the whining made them change their decision and because of this we are now in that mess that we are in.
It will be very interesting to see how a player with 0 CP will do with 1.6 on. Maybe they cant kill anything or its just a tad harder, but it will be a different experience if they don't have those promised 30 CP.
At the same time, someone with 70 CP might be able to clear Dungeons and Trials much easier now and will be able to score high in the rankings.
In my opinion, everyone should get 30 CP and those with VR 14 get 70. By doing so everyone will still be able to do the content he did before, nobody is unhappy all have something and no subs will be dropped.
The decision now however is even worse than before, as it discourages non VR players and Newbies to keep playing.
To not be able to gain CPs from 1-50 is also very un-smart. I never liked talent gating in games, its like showing someone the ice cream, but then hiding it behind a door of glass with 10 locks.
Yeah, but if you were a new player starting today who only got to V1 after the Champion System was implemented, then you would get 0 CP at that point too.
Personally, I never understood why they wanted to give 30 CP to people who were V1, if that's not how the system is going to work afterwards.
They wanted to give those 30 CP to everyone as this is what the content will be balanced on.
Maria said it well in ESO live. "We want that everyone can still do what he currently does".
Sadly the whining made them change their decision and because of this we are now in that mess that we are in.
It will be very interesting to see how a player with 0 CP will do with 1.6 on. Maybe they cant kill anything or its just a tad harder, but it will be a different experience if they don't have those promised 30 CP.
At the same time, someone with 70 CP might be able to clear Dungeons and Trials much easier now and will be able to score high in the rankings.
In my opinion, everyone should get 30 CP and those with VR 14 get 70. By doing so everyone will still be able to do the content he did before, nobody is unhappy all have something and no subs will be dropped.
The decision now however is even worse than before, as it discourages non VR players and Newbies to keep playing.
To not be able to gain CPs from 1-50 is also very un-smart. I never liked talent gating in games, its like showing someone the ice cream, but then hiding it behind a door of glass with 10 locks.
Well, until the news of revised plans for CP gain pon launch was announcd, i was leveling my currently highest level character to vr1 to get that 30 points i was promised.
I was happy with 30, even if thats all i ever will get due my personal preference of playstyle since i can still use it from the start of new characters for small tweaks as they stated. We gain CP on old VR levels but can use it from level 1 on new characters even while they do not gain CP as CP is account wide.
Now i will get 0 to couple IF i have even will to continue that one character from now on.. I constanbtly make new toons with different bios and play them as long as they feel fun to me. I constantly have to delete older characters to create new ones and as the endgame content goes, the game is finished on character basis when i reach a level cap and all the faction and story quests are done, just like i stated before. I have litle interest in current VR content, i have plans for some "neutral" wanderer who will play through all the content with my friends similar character but i do not really know when that will happen so..
I will not have many CP point ever, in years i may have plenty but my gamestyle makes me not gasin them in current ESO. I just wanted that promised 30 points so i can use it for small tweaks on new characters and nothing more but as they now broke that promise, i have lost that oppostunity which makes me sad.
If not tracking XP was broken promise, so is this. Promises are promises and you should not broke other promise to make other promise true.
They should have tracked XP from the beginning and give points relevant to that XP, not promise everyone 30 points and then state that not all are getting 30 points but in fact some will get now none, just to make that other promise come partially true. Silence may be bad way to communicate to playerbase but i much more prefer silence than broiken promises over broken promises.