UPDATE: 13/01/2015.
The above link is dead, some jack ass managed to get access to my mods page and for some unknown reason deleted the guide and all other associated media. As such it is no longer available.
I intended to update the guide as soon as my DK2 landed and one of the injectors got an update. Regrettably when said items arrived it quickly became apparent that it is not currently possible to run Skyrim @ 1080P / 75FPS / Geometry 3D, even on the lowest graphics settings with all AA and shadows off. I'm basing this off performance with a GTX780 and just this weekend testing it with a GTX980. Anyone who tells you otherwise is exaggerating the truth somewhat, any town or city will cause significant drops in FPS rendering most the game useless, well unless you are waaaaay out in the wilderness.
Currently I live in hope that NVidia's own injection method when released will yield more favorable results.... (particularly as it's most likely compatible with Helix mod). I believe it is based on 3D vision which gave my excellent performance in Geo 3D mode on my HMZ-T1 - although it didn't have the FOV or warping over heads. Until I can get a constant 75FPS with shadows I have no interest in this game and would recommend that anyone wishing to play it in VR avoid it for now. I hate to think how poorly the game will play on a CV1 if it has a higher resolution.
Such a shame really, I loved playing it with my DK1, I must have clocked up 100's of hours, if not 1000's. My only solace is that while I'm not playing, the Skywind & Skyblivion teams will have chance to finish their projects.
tonyglissonb14_ESO wrote: »I have been playing using the Oculus Dev kit 2, using Vorpx to get it running in ESO, add xbox 360 controller, a few addons to make the interface right.
I7-3930k 2 gtx760 vid cards 64 gig system ram. on medium settings i get over 100 fps in the rift. I can get that kind of framerate in dungeons on high settings.
tonyglissonb14_ESO wrote: »I have been playing using the Oculus Dev kit 2, using Vorpx to get it running in ESO, add xbox 360 controller, a few addons to make the interface right.
I7-3930k 2 gtx760 vid cards 64 gig system ram. on medium settings i get over 100 fps in the rift. I can get that kind of framerate in dungeons on high settings.
tonyglissonb14_ESO wrote: »V2 thru V4 in the oculus, Seems that we cannot see our feet in first person very strange to look down and have no feet. I find it really cool to be fighting one mob in front of me and to look over my opponents shoulder to throw a spear at a different target.
Cannot see keyboard, so i do not type fast or respond quickly in game to chat requests.( working on voice to chat solutions). all i can think of at the moment.
hard to describe what it is like.........I am in Nurn.
What about Cyrodiil, have you spent any time there?