yes this is a rip from Lotro, but it was also the only reason I played that game, never got a toon past 30, but I spent a lot of time and money in monster play.
but this is a great way to let anyone enjoy PvP without having to get to cap, when you hit level 10 you unlock it. you a get a choice of a few monster / daedra types with there own skill lines and stats, that come pre capped (like vet 14 or whatever as far as stats go) and go to town.
you already have some various cool monsters to play
-spider daedra (cc/ support)
-daedroth (tanks )
-flesh golem? (lol I don't even)
-dremora (more classic fighter style and a healer/caster version)
there spawn point could be the various imperial city entrances that already have daedra at them, and you could capture keeps and the like for a fourth faction, Molag Bal
c'mon guys what do you think please support.
a decent example of how it would play, consider it like you were a werewolf, with all those skills and interesting perks, all the time. maybe an extra skill or two to swap between but that's the fast version.
Edited by Wing on January 13, 2015 10:19AM
ESO player since beta.
previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
( ^_^ )
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DK one trick