@Agrippa_Invisus - Thank you for the detailed post. We genuinely appreciate you sharing your concerns with us. We've answered each question in line, below.
1. Armor types and their effectiveness -- LA needs a durability nerf the size of Tamriel, HA needs love in a severe way.
Don't worry; Update 6 is on its way! When it arrives, items will provide spell resistance and armor, making heavy armor more useful. In addition, soft caps are going away, so heavy armor won't have its effectiveness reduced.
2. Blockcasting -- This, combined with the LA sustainability/durability balance issues, is what leads to the 'Ubertank DK' that is so universally loathed. ZOS, you're smart, figure out a way around this mechanic.
We agree that block casting is an issue, but our main focus has been on balancing and polishing other features for 1.6. We did spend some time on this problem, but in the end we decided to take a little more time to get the right solution for this instead of rushing out a “fix” that could potentially introduce more problems.
3. Stamina vs Magicka AEs -- There is no good reason that Steel Tornado is blockable while Impulse/Blockade aren't. This alone prevents Stamina from standing in the same place damage-wise in group situations. The same with Brawler and other 2H area abilities. Either both stamina and magicka AEs should be blockable or neither should be. I lean towards both should be.
In Update 6, we're making magicka-based area-of-effect abilities blockable.
4. AE Damage Scaling -- AE abilities should never substitute for single target abilities for damage. There's zero reason that Impulse should even approach skills like Crushing Shock or Lava Whip for single target damage. AEs make their DPS back by hitting multiple targets (and then some) for their cost. I don't care one whit if this requires PvE re-balancing, it's an imbalance in the current system.
If you are using the version of Impulse that deals damage over time, it can be effective to weave into a single target rotation every 10 seconds. Just spamming Impulse is going to do less single-target damage than spamming Lava Whip or Crushing Shock.
5. Block Cost in LA -- Take the block cost reduction from the 1h/Shield line and stack it into the HA line so that HA + Shield = 1.5 block cost, while LA + Shield = terrible blocking. This has impact on both points 1 and 2.
This will no longer be an issue in Update 6—heavy armor will be much stronger.
6. Stacking Ground Effects -- They're invisible half the time due to spell effect culling, they contribute hugely to the lag, and frankly are being used in silly ways (blockade of fire through the grate of an inner ring keep over front door anyone?). Make it so, universally, any ground effect erases the previous cast and replaces it -- much akin to how Cinder Storm or Caltrops work. It's time for things like this to start behaving in the same manner.
In Update 6, you'll only be able to have one Wall of Fire active at a time. We also reduced the number of particle effects associated with some abilities, focusing on those that had the largest impact on performance.
7. Siege Damage -- Siege Weapons need to hit players way, way harder than they do. It needs to be very dangerous to be within range of a siege line's artillery. As it currently is, it's easier than ever to mitigate and heal through siege damage, even when storming a breach. As long as you don't linger, you'll make it through fine, and it is players who are far more dangerous.
We're actually adjusting damage in Update 6 so that siege damage can't be mitigated by armor. This adjustment comes in conjunction with damage scaling due to player character and monster rebalancing throughout the game in Update 6.
8. Keep Wall / Door HP and Siege Times -- It is way, way too fast to slam down an empty keep. Even at rank 5, with 245K walls and 195K doors, I've dropped an empty keep in 2:30 (two minutes, 30 seconds) from first siege dropped to flags flipped to Ebonheart. There's very little time to react to this, especially if it's an outlying keep like Drakelowe, Brindle, or Dragonclaw. I think it's time to up the HPs of keeps or reduce the damage siege does to them -- whichever is easier to code. More fights, more sieges, less ninja flipping.
We're increasing the heal value of the wall upgrade in Update 6, but we’ll also look into adding more HP to the doors. We'll see how player survivability vs. other siege weapons feels with the removal of armor mitigation in conjunction with door/wall destruction timing. Regardless, we can work on changing the timing to give your allies a better opportunity to respond.
9. The Nikel Corridor -- Make this a more interesting place to fight. Add some cottages, huts, a village or two (easily destroyed and forgotten by Oblivion's time period), anything to make it so that area is as lively as other areas of the map.
Sure, we can look into that!
10. Buff Servers -- Kill buffs outside of the PVP zone. It's time for Buff servers to die the death they deserve.
This is something we've discussed at length and continue to have conversations about. We initially made the buffs as an incentive for PVP, but in the long run, using campaigns as a “buff server” has been more of a crutch than the intended bonus. We've seen your feedback and concerns about this—we'll continue to discuss it internally and see what we can do.