Hey guys. I know how frustrating it can be at times trying to get solid DPS out of a Templar, so I figured I would share my Crushing Shock build. I shouldn't even call it
my build as I am sure someone else somewhere is doing this and may have posted the build or made a video elsewhere, but I didn't find much doing a Google search. So here goes.
This is just a one bar rotation. If someone has tested any variations of this build that can enhance it, please comment below.
Bar set up.Crushing Shock - Destruction staff.
Inner Light - Mages Guild.
Vampire's Bane - Templar skill, Dawn's Wrath tree.
Power of the Light - Templar skill, Dawn's Wrath tree.
Last slot is utility. You can put whatever you like here. I choose to keep
Breath of Life here for emergency support heals.
Ultimate - Solar Prison. This will dramatically enhance the dps of this rotation for short fights, and it's an amazing ability for situational drops in group settings due to the sheer amount of dmg it does as well as nice Synergy that enhances the dmg and a 30% dmg reduction debuff on bosses.
Open with Power of the Light. This stores dmg taken for about 7 seconds, then explodes for an additional 36% of that dmg. It's capped at about 2000 dmg, but it's a nice burst and it also increases spell power by 2.0% for each of the first 5 attacks for 9 seconds.
Follow Power of the Light with an immediate
Vampire's Bane. This is to sustain a damage over time effect.
Now start with a partially charged heavy attack weaved in with Crushing Shock. You can get in 3 partial heavy attacks and 3 Crushing Shocks by the time Power of the Light explodes. You can actually get in 4, but you want to keep Power of the Light active, so 3 of each works nicely in order to avoid a lull where you have to stop everything and apply Power of the Light again. The idea is to be casting Power of the Light (1.5 sec cast time) right as the previous one is exploding.
I've tried this rotation weaving light attacks and the dps is about the same, but you will go through much more magicka because you are using Crushing Shock more often. I've also tried it weaving a fully charged heavy attack, but you can only get 2 rotations of CS/heavy attack in per PotL and the dps is a tad lower. For very long fights where you may run low on magicka in between potion cds, the heavy attack 2/2 rotation works very well with slightly less dps.
7/7 Light Armor.
I don't have the best gear in the game. I am quite certain that there are set bonus's that will enhance this build compared to what I am wearing. I am currently wearing a 5 piece Warlock/ 3 piece Night Mother's/ 3 piece Willow's path.
There are 3 things you want for this build and they can be achieved with various combinations.
1. Spell crit - Mine is at 59.5% using the Thief Mundis Stone and Inner Light. It's absolutely possible to get this higher, but it seems to be working well for me. There are several gear combinations to raise crit as well, including the combo I am using.
1. Magicka recovery - Templars are notorious for bleeding magicka, so anything you can do to get your magicka recovery near or at the soft cap is a must for this build. This is where the Warlock set comes in handy.
3. Weapon damage - You want this to be at or above the soft cap. Crushing Shock's damage is directly related to weapon dmg, so the higher your weapon dmg, the more dmg you will do with Crushing Shock. As you will see from the pic below, CS is your primary source of dps, so this is very important. I put weapon dmg glyphs on all my jewelry in order to reach the cap, but there are other ways. You also want a hard hitting glyph for your weapn like fire dmg.
You also want your max magicka to be at or above the soft cap, but this kinda goes without saying

This is the kind of DPS you can get on Trolls or Mammoths or Giants. You can probably sustain this type of DPS with an enhanced version of this build, but I have been able to sustain 800-1100 dps on longer fights. It's not great, but for a Templar, it is certainly competitive.
EDIT: On a suggestion from a guild mate, I switched my Mundis from Thief to Shadow. (less crit% in exchange for more crit dmg) Spell crit was still at 53% For the most part (after picking on about 15 trolls) the DPS was about the same, however I did crack 1400 a couple times.

I look forward to trying the change in Mundis Stones on longer sustained fights. Also I should add that this will all probably be moot once 1.6 goes live, but maybe a few Templars out there can have some fun with this build in the meantime.
Hope this helps, and please feel free to add any comments or suggestions that would enhance this build. Also if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in-game or send me an in-game mail.
Thanks - Alpha.