I have a full crafted set of TBS upgraded to legendary and I haven't used it in 2 months because it's just bad. Having to go back to the mundus stone to activate the 2nd boon again if you happen to remove 1 piece of the set makes it even worse.I thought so too, it does have its uses though
Yes, it's quite bad. There's no real point in investing time in crafting research since the most useful sets require 6 traits researched or less.
I think that @ZOS should rething endgame crafting and give valuable options to crafters, like slight bonuses to crafted gear (a few % after a long investment in a specific item) or the ability to change traits/style on crafted and dropped gear.
Update 6 will hopefully come with changes to the mundus numbers to make some boons more competitive.
I have a full crafted set of TBS upgraded to legendary and I haven't used it in 2 months because it's just bad. Having to go back to the mundus stone to activate the 2nd boon again if you happen to remove 1 piece of the set makes it even worse.
Hopefully crafting is redesigned with the removal of vet ranks in update 7
I've invested a lot of time in research and am currently looking at my 9th traits all around, but I've found that new undaunted gear with a mix of 6-trait gear and set ring/necklaces are typically the new endgame combination.
It pretty much is pointless to research past 6-trait and the whole thing about crafted gear being better than dropped gear has not been true for a while now with so many new options available to players.
Investing time in the professions was definitely rewarding for a time, but it just feels like new content jips the crafter.
kelly.medleyb14_ESO wrote: »
Right, End game crafting should be tied to end game pvp and pve via material or something but should be equally powerful as armour sets you can find in any dungeon currently its not.
What time is invested? You mark an item and then carry on with your business. It's not like you are the one doing the research. Maybe time finding the ones your need but there's a great add on for that.
The time to level up each of the three professions to get it to 50. The 22 skill points which you put in per skill tree for a total of 66. The time and resources spent to find nirnhoned items through PvP or resources spent buying crafted nirnhoned items for deconstruction.
I agree that letting an item sit and research takes no effort on our parts. But researching alone is only part of it. When endgame of crafting suffers, so does the entire profession.
Anyhow, I think it is wise to continue researching because there will be other 9-trait sets and eventually 10-trait sets. They may yet redeem themselves.
Nazon_Katts wrote: »Depends a bit on how it will work out, but generally an approach similar to spellcrafting for crafting as a whole would be the direction I'd like to see the system going to, eventually.
So we could choose traits, properties and bonuses - depending on crafting level, skill points invested and research - basically creating our own sets of gear. Throw in some sort of attunement stones to link pieces together and to increase their respective bonuses.
I think that would be a whole lot better than the static sets we got now, since this would allow to actually mix and match crafted and dropped gear and we wouldn't be so cornered into wearing just two sets, damned to deconstruct anything but the full set that's better than what we got now.
Ourorboros wrote: »It's not just The Twice Born Star set that is questionable. None of the 8-trait sets are much good. Crafting was a big selling point of the game. Crafted items were supposed to be as good as drops. Not really working out that way. Crafting is really just another kind of grind that anyone can do, doesn't even require the skill needed for end game content. Just look at me. Maxed in all crafts, and many 9th traits in the bag. But I'm not good at combat. End game crafting needs to be harder to obtain, through rarity, questing, skill points, or other means.
Ourorboros wrote: »It's not just The Twice Born Star set that is questionable. None of the 8-trait sets are much good. Crafting was a big selling point of the game. Crafted items were supposed to be as good as drops. Not really working out that way. Crafting is really just another kind of grind that anyone can do, doesn't even require the skill needed for end game content. Just look at me. Maxed in all crafts, and many 9th traits in the bag. But I'm not good at combat. End game crafting needs to be harder to obtain, through rarity, questing, skill points, or other means.
Agreed. In my limited experience, the only 8-trait set that's of any use is Arena (for PvP) and even then many people will choose other combinations.
I've levelled all my crafting skills in several characters to 50 and am in the process of getting 9 traits in every piece of gear so that I can craft every single craftable piece of gear in the game. But I'm doing it because I'm a completionist, not because it's actually of any use.
They should either review the current 7+ trait sets so that they are worth crafting again, or (if they want to limit access to absolutely best gear) revamp crafting so that some sets require some sort of token from end-game content (boss drop, PvP campaign reward or something like that).
Another indication that the game developers at ZoS don't even play the game they created.kelly.medleyb14_ESO wrote: »9-trait item set, “The Twice Born Star” considered laughable
Another indication that the game developers at ZoS don't even play the game they created.
Nazon_Katts wrote: »
kelly.medleyb14_ESO wrote: »
But seriously, any better ideas on improving this set?
It's not the 5pc bonus that players laugh about it's the 2/3/4 that are generic junk. It's as if ZoS wanted to make it universal to all Roles but instead they gimped it for all Roles.kelly.medleyb14_ESO wrote: »But seriously, any better ideas on improving this set?
What time is invested? You mark an item and then carry on with your business. It's not like you are the one doing the research. Maybe time finding the ones you need but there's a great add on for that.
Anyhow, I think it is wise to continue researching because there will be other 9-trait sets and eventually 10-trait sets. They may yet redeem themselves.
What time is invested? You mark an item and then carry on with your business. It's not like you are the one doing the research. Maybe time finding the ones you need but there's a great add on for that.