All in all, I'm incredibly impressed by the user-interface in this game, but I'm shocked that ESO doesn't offer at least an optional inventory mode to show inventory items in grid based bag, possibly with the option to make your own bags and move them around?
Advantages of a grid view:
- You can place items or clusters of items in specific locations so you know where to find them, always. Gear over here, potions over there, food over there, etc.
- It's easy to see the rarity of an item, for example if items have border colours based on their rarity.
- It takes up less space than a list.
- Icons being the main method to identify items, it can be hard to differentiate items if you have a lot of items with the same icon, even though this shouldn't happen to the extent that it becomes a problem. If you have 2-3 items with the same icon, you can very quickly mouseover them for fast tooltips.
Just a quick photoshop mockup of what it could look like:
Edited by Vikestart on January 4, 2015 6:12PM
Would you like to see a grid based inventory in the game? 107 votes
Yes, an optional grid based inventory would really make inventory management seamless
No, I don't think it's needed, the list-based inventory is sufficient.