When update 1.6 arrives, you will get 30 CP for every character as long as you at least have a single veteran rank character. The 30 CP's is a one-time thing. If you create an alt after that, they will not receive it. So, best make all of your alts the way you want them right now.
dharbert wrote:Good luck with that...
You clearly don't get the ACCOUNT part of the deal. You have an account that you pay ZoS for monthly/3mo/6mo. That account can have up to 8 characters on NA, 8 characters on EU and iirc 8 characters on PTS. If you make a character and level it to XX, then delete it and make a new one, the ACCOUNT Champion Points don't change, unless you earn more of them ofc. It can't EVER go down in points, only up based on your XP gain on any LvL 50 character on that account. I will say that for now it's going to be different for NA/EU meaning your characters on NA are NOT the same as on EU so if you have 5 VR14's on NA but also play on EU and have zero LvL 50's when 1.6 hits, your NA account will have 30 CP, and your EU account will have 0 CP, even though it's the same account. To clarify it further, if the moment 1.6 hits you have ANY LvL 50 character you get (as an example):so whats stopping me from making alts....leveling them and using the points on my vr14...then deleting them and doing it again ?
DeLindsay wrote:To clarify it further, if the moment 1.6 hits you have ANY LvL 50 character you get (as an example):
Character #1 - VR14: 30 CP
Character #2 - VR5: 30 CP
Character #3 - LvL 37: 30 CP
Character #4 - LvL 28: 30 CP
Character #5: LvL 15: 30 CP
Character #6: LvL 8: 30 CP
Character #7: LvL 8: 30 CP
Character #8: LvL 7: 30 CP
If you gain 1 CP in the first hour 1.6 is live, then all 8 characters now have 31 CP to spend. If you delete character #8 while your account has 31 CP, then your account will have 31 CP. If you make a new character, the moment he/she is out of the character creation screen they have 31 CP to spend. Your account does not get 240 CP points to spend on whatever character you choose, it gets 30 to spend on ALL characters independently.
Thisno no i get that i think there is some confusion....what im saying is i have 1 vr14...whats stopping me from leveling the other 7 toons and using those cp on my vr 14...then deleting those 7 toons and making 7 new ones and doing the same thing. Im under the impression i can level the toon without using the cp on it.
This is the part where I talked about that whole account thing. The points are not combined they are static to the account as a whole. It wouldn't make any difference if you had 100 characters, they'd all ONLY get 30 points to spend at 1.6's launch. Once you have played a while after 1.6 and have gotten your CP up to 100, then all 8 characters on your account have 100 points to spend, not 800 for your main VR14. You earn 1 CP, the account gains 1 CP and you can only earn CP on a LvL 50 character.Your account does not get 240 CP points to spend on whatever character you choose, it gets 30 to spend on ALL characters independently.
so whats stopping me from making alts....leveling them and using the points on my vr14...then deleting them and doing it again ?
lifthrasir85 wrote: »Why should the amount of xp required for the next point go up everytime? The amount will be the same always!