hammayolettuce wrote: »MY guildies teabag me instead of res'ing...
Since ZOS took FCs out there is a lot of relying on other to rez you but its getting a little stupid when people expect it at owned keep resources and just out side keep doors etc.
ALSO while I'm on the QQ say "TY" it's not hard requires you to press 4 buttons and is general common decency. I get it if you are in the throws of battle and it's an epic stealth/LOS res and you need to dodge roll and heal. Otherwise there is no excuse I'm now taking mental notes of DC players that don't say thank you and I will be appearing to res you while others are walking by then stop before the spell completes.
/end rant
lordrichter wrote: »Since ZOS took FCs out there is a lot of relying on other to rez you but its getting a little stupid when people expect it at owned keep resources and just out side keep doors etc.
ALSO while I'm on the QQ say "TY" it's not hard requires you to press 4 buttons and is general common decency. I get it if you are in the throws of battle and it's an epic stealth/LOS res and you need to dodge roll and heal. Otherwise there is no excuse I'm now taking mental notes of DC players that don't say thank you and I will be appearing to res you while others are walking by then stop before the spell completes.
/end rant
Maybe you should just skip this resurrection stuff entirely. If you feel the need to be recognized and it upsets you when you aren't, you might enjoy the game more if you just stopped.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »hammayolettuce wrote: »MY guildies teabag me instead of res'ing...
I approve this message!
I do not expect anyone to say thanks to me when i rez them.
I expect them to thank me by rezzing me in turn when i need it.
It would be nice if they put in an infinitely chargeable soulstone as in skyrim so players could by default always be carrying one. Perhaps an equipable trophy.
but sometimes I am dead BECAUSE i was already afkI rezz >100 ppl a night. I don't need thank yous. I do, however, expect them to take the rezz and not be afk after dying. Those who don't take rezzes within a min or two are noted and not rezzed again. Going afk while dead is extremely rude to the rezzers since it blocks our ability to rezz others.
but sometimes I am dead BECAUSE i was already afk