I use minion to update my addons, and yesterday I did update two of them. One was Healers Group Frame and the other was AI Research Grid. I might deactivate those to see if it helps. I'll report back soon.Just wondering. Did you recently update CLS or install some other add-on? In case new add-on it might be conflicting with CLS.
Seems there is new version of CLS that I have not put in yet and I do not get any error so might want to revert back to the older version.
I followed your instructions on my main character (from screenshot). Didn't work. It emptied everything, including stats.. I then reloaded ui, but the error remained. Relog didnt help. Then I logged over to my alt, and it was apperently fixed on him already before even typing something. Logged back to main, repeated, but still didn't work.It looks like your saved variables file got corrupted in the middle of a save. Most of your settings appear to be intact; just your actual combat logs got corrupted.
The easiest way to fix the problem is just to nuke your old saved variables file and start anew. If you would prefer to keep your lifetime stats intact, you can keep your old saved variables file in place and do the following steps for each character:
1. Log into the character.
2. Ignore the UI error that pops up.
3. Turn on the CLS main window, either via keybinding if you have one set, or by going into the Settings menu and unchecking "Hide Main Window"
4. Click the button in the upper right corner of the main window that says "Clear". This will clear out the corrupted logs for All, Health, Attacks, and Heals, but leave your lifetime damage stats.
5. /reloadui
The error should clear up.
If this doesn't help, please let me know.
Renaming saved variables worked as expected and its running smoothly now. Was just wondering if there was something else I could do.What happens if you rename your saved variables file to something else (like CombatLogStatistics.bak), and start with fresh settings? Does the error still happen?
Thanks for your time and help. I'll see what I can do with these!Well, if you want your lifetime stats to carry over, you can copy those from the corrupted file into the new one. Look for an entry that looks like this:Spoiler["Stats"] =
["FTime"] = 17576.9075965167,
["MaxIncDam"] = 426,
["MaxHeal"] = 422,
["MaxDam"] = 152,
["IncHeal"] = 16868,
["MaxIncHeal"] = 1082,
["Death"] = 35,
["TDam"] = 911136,
["IncDam"] = 230262,
["THeal"] = 132391,
["Kills"] = 0,
And copy that over the similar-looking entry in your new saved variables. (Make sure you copy it into the section for the right character!) You can probably do the same with your Heal tables, as that wasn't corrupted. It'll look something like this:Spoiler["Heal"] =
["Puncturing Sweep"] =
["Number Crits"] = 0,
["Max Damage"] = 20,
["Total Damage"] = 3176,
["Color"] = 1,
["Min Damage"] = 9,
["Times Used"] = 189,
Some of the entries in your Attack table were corrupted, sadly, but you could probably copy over any of the clean ones. They'll look like this:Spoiler["Attack"] =
["Sun Fire"] =
["Number Crits"] = 28,
["Max Damage"] = 118,
["Total Damage"] = 173650,
["Color"] = 3,
["Damage Type"] = "Fire",
["Min Damage"] = 7,
["Times Used"] = 5330,
["Ransack"] =
["Number Crits"] = 7,
["Max Damage"] = 123,
["Total Damage"] = 104622,
["Color"] = 2,
["Damage Type"] = "Physical",
["Min Damage"] = 54,
["Times Used"] = 1365,
I wish there was more help I could give you, and I'm sorry I can't.