I'd like to begin by saying that i recently picked up this game and have been loving the it as a whole, putting most of my time into pvp. Most things, including the mechanics of combat, are pretty awesome, however as an avid pvper i feel the longevity of this game (at least for the pvp community) is severely limited.
Yes we have cyrodilll, and yes it can be fun at times, however it almost feels like pvp content for pve players. What i mean by that is that pvp in cyrodill is primarily about strategy and numbers/zerg potential, rather than individual player skill. You spend half your time forming up large groups, waiting for people to group, sneaking across the insanely big map and only a small fraction of your time fighting other players, and even when this happens, its usually an extremely unbalanced fight. At times pvp in cyrodill feels more like a raid (with keeps being the bosses) then actual player versus player content.
Now I'm not fully against cyrodill as an option, however the main problem i see here is a complete lack of alternatives for pvp. There are countless suggestions all over these forums, and I will reiterate/propose the following here:
- A ranked arena for 1 v 1's 2 v 2's 5 v 5's etc
- Pvp minigames, including guild ranks ( 6 v 6 instanced pvp games, i.e capture the flag etc)
- why not create pvp instances of the open world? this is so simple to do, When players enter a zone they have an option for pvp or pve. Only people who want to fight in the open world have to, and this will give people places to fight, hunt and roam for years to come.
The beauty of PvP in MMO's is that it drives guild competition and player improvement, and gives your player base self driven content. You have a great game here and your combat system lends to some awesome Pvp potential, All's i ask is that you give us means by which to engage in meaningful and competitive PvP
Cheers for your time all,