My group and I are VR1 and VR2 and find that veteran dungeon
scaling is horrible and completely inconsistent.
For example,
Banished Cells. Keeper Areldur - Easy as long as you avoid her fire aoe.
Maw of the infernal - Moderate Difficultly. One shot mechanics suck, but other than that, kite boss around and kill.
Keeper Vornail - Can't believe this is a boss because of how freakishly easy he is. Kill two adds and burn boss down. Stupid easy
Keeper Imiril - Absolute insanity. We can get to the 4th or 5th wave of adds and boss is still 80% health. Everyone runs out of magicka / stamina and then die. We've tried grouping everything together and AoE burning. We've tried leaving melee NB on boss entire time. Both tank (myself) and our healer are using damage abilities to add more DPS. Nothing is hurting this boss.
The scale is just stupid. The mechanics are lazy and easy, just kill adds and boss, but we can't come close to taking this boss down. We are in complete Epic (purple) gear sets and our DPS have damage at soft-cap yet we don't have the damage to even come close to taking this boss down. The scale of Boss HP, Damage, and Adds is way out of whack.
So basically, I’m asking developers to fix their ****. This is ridiculous. Scale your bosses to be in line with the player’s damage output and to be consistent in difficulty.
And give us worthwhile rewards. We’ve yet to have anything drop that’s better than what we already have on.
@Haters – before you tell me L2P. My guild has been together for years and never had this trouble. We just came from Wildstar that actually had “hard” mechanics and we didn’t see such stupid scaling.