This is a call out to everyone with an AD character to stand up and fight on Haderus. If you don't like two faced players who arrange handshake alliances for 2 sides to team up against one, PUSH BACK. If you are a DC or EP player, show your courage for a fair fight and hit each other instead of hiding behind a cowardly alliance. Bring the fight evenly to all of the servers, go out in arms to Azura's Star and to Chillrend!
So apparently a couple of AD players prodded EP and or DC to come to Haderus and now, for the last 3 weeks EP and DC have been working together to mess with AD's "Buff Server" There is now more action on Haderus than Thornblade.
The whole buff server mechanic has good and bad sides. The good side is that being able to get or protect buffs drives the mainly PVE players to join PVP. Having some significant reward to achieve makes PVP much more meaningful, especially for players who like to do both sides of the game.
The negative side is that the buff servers have often been turned into dead servers forcing the action onto Thornblade resulting in 1 laggy server and 3 inactive servers.
Now DC and EP are working together and taking the buffs on Haderus so often and so consistently that it's sapping the fun from the game for a lot of people.
Guilds that used to run Trails Trainings 2 times a week are finding that the training runs made up of half newer Trials players fail, particularly when the buffs are lost just before or during a training.
People who are less experienced at PVP are jumping in and trying to help only to be mocked and trolled by the PVP die-hards.
Players trying to defend their buffs are getting pretty sick of seeing some (not all) of the blues and reds flaunting when they're working together. Like the blue I saw pouring oil on yellow in a red keep tonight
I see PVP only players constantly preaching "You don't need buffs" But I never see those players help teaching runs through trials and vet dungeons. I hear people say "I just want to PVP, I don't care about your buffs" but that's clearly not true. If people were just trying to PVP they would spread it around more and hit some of the other buff servers. Tonight I saw blues and reds side by side defending the same keep multiple times, which is not normal fair play tactics of people just trying to have fun. People say "If you want buffs you should defend them" but it's not possible to defend buffs at the same time as doing PVE.
In the last few weeks I've had more fun in PVP than I had for months before and I thank the people on all factions for helping me have a good time. Unfortunately I also have been unable to assist with a single Trials Training, and have been unable to get a group and help my boyfriend complete some of the Vet dungeons he still needs. It's caused a great deal of stress for the people who traditionally try and help other members learn, and some hurt feelings. I don't care how good you are, V12 undaunted and trials are not easy to do when some of your group is still learning and most players will NEVER learn unless someone is able to teach them. Players may leave the game when they hit the wall and can't get the support to progress into the vet PVE content.
I don't care how much of a jerk 5% of the players in this game are, MOST players from each faction are here to have a good time. I hope that the bulk of the DC and EP players will consider that in the long run you will have more fun too in a game where players aren't leaving guilds and the game. Consider expanding your horizons, spread the love around and stir up other "buff servers" or maybe even take a night off to teach or learn some of the PVE content.
Suggestion to the devs, and other players:
Buff servers clearly aren't working right. They cause drama, frustration. PVP players get mad that PVE players want their buffs left alone. PVE players get mad that the more effort they actually put into earning their buffs, the more likely they are to loose them since the PVE players like to go where there is activity.
What if buffs were linked to your campaign reward tier? Every campaign reset PVE players would have a reason to go, PVP, earn their buffs. Once earned they could keep them knowing that their efforts aren't a complete waste of time. There would need to be some sort of control allowing different players to reset their buffs at different times so not everyone would go and PVP for the same 3 days and then leave such as once you earned the tier 3 buff you keep it for a month regardless of when you earned it.
Thoughts? This could drive a lot more players into PVP from ALL factions. There could be additional buffs that you get only while in Cyrodil based on how your faction is doing. However I've always thought it strange that the buffs favor the side already winning. It would be a little more balanced if there were an underdog advantage.
Edited by ElfFromSpace on January 6, 2015 4:27AM Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange