I've seen from various sources that transforming into a Werewolf creates a carbon copy of your original stats and puts them into the Werewolf. What this means is if you had any passives granting you Weapon Damage, that Weapon Damage will transfer to the Werewolf along with the buffs that the Werewolf grants, even though that original passive is no longer available to you in the new form.
That being said, though I'd like to see additional testing on everything, what are some ways to ensure that the Werewolf is as powerful as can be? We won't gain access to any specific procs from sets or passives, that I'm aware, but stat bonuses of any sort seem to transfer over. I'm still having a hard time finding any great information on ESO mechanics, so any help is appreciated!
What do you notice impacts the Werewolf transformation positively/negatively as a result of your personal character build?
And yes, I've seen
this thread.

Great place to start for information, but I'd like more observations from the larger community.
What information can be gained from reading the thread above:
Weapon passives do NOT work in Werewolf form, though weapon damage is transferred.
Weapon sets do NOT proc, but armor sets do proc.
Armor passives DO work.
Extra poison damage is NOT taken in human form, but it is taken in werewolf form.
(Enchantment bonuses are retained while in werewolf form)–NEEDS FURTHER TESTING
(Shield armor and defense bonuses apply while in werewolf form)–NEEDS FURTHER TESTING
We’ve also been given a very nice diagram of the differences between “magicka builds” and “stamina builds” when becoming a werewolf; however, there are MANY specific variables that we need to address in this discussion, and I’ve also created a post
here from which I hope to gather more information.
What we still need (feel free to add more):
Do TOGGLE SKILLS last through werewolf form? (Hypothesis = no, but needs testing anyway)
Do CLASS PASSIVES last through werewolf form? (Test by resetting skills, transforming, recording information, investing skill point, transforming, recording again)
–Side note for class passives: be specific, as some class passives increase max stats such as regeneration or weapon damage or reduce the costs of abilities by certain amounts (Templars and Sorcs)
Do RACIAL PASSIVES last through werewolf form? (Same process as above, done separately)
–Side note for racial passives: record specific passives that work and do not work, as I fear increases to max health/stamina may apply, but not those that deal with gaining an effect upon dealing damage, etc.
Do BUFFS that have a time limit grant permanent increases to werewolf stats after their expiration (Hypothesis = no, but the details above almost make it seem like the buffs will grant their effect after they have expired until you leave werewolf form, going by the carbon copy theory)
Do PARTIAL HEAVY ATTACKS grant the benefit of a permanent werewolf form? (this needs to be clarified as a single statement with proper testing done, not as an ambiguous side comment–PACK LEADER ONLY)
Part of this testing is to clarify what the most optimized choice for a werewolf would be. If you can retain your form indefinitely through Pack Leader AND class passives + racial passives remain while in werewolf form, Templar seems to be the best choice. If not, then sorcerer due to reduced ultimate cost. This isn’t counting the cheesy stamina regen for never transforming into a werewolf–that isn’t true werewolf optimization for my testing.
I think it’s been established that soft caps are being removed, so that isn’t an issue anymore for optimization purposes.
Alright, I think I'm done editing now!