Rarely is anything actually pointless. These would add Depth into the game and give the players more choices and option of how to build a character. Which is always nice.ThatHappyCat wrote: »Because most of these are really quite pointless, and many are in any case covered by a few passives. There really isn't any need for an entire progression for better repair prices, for example. It's cheap enough as it is unless you're addicted to dying or something. Likewise for merchant prices.
Please dont tell me its a MMO flaw, and we wont have the in depth character advancements that we saw in solo titles.doubt it, this is just a prettier version of guildwars2
divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »Please dont tell me its a MMO flaw, and we wont have the in depth character advancements that we saw in solo titles.doubt it, this is just a prettier version of guildwars2
I really dont want to go down the rabbit hole of the dumbed down future aspect that has been talked of before. Where things just get more bland as we go on and more 'easy mode' in general for most games.
divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »Rarely is anything actually pointless. These would add Depth into the game and give the players more choices and option of how to build a character. Which is always nice.ThatHappyCat wrote: »Because most of these are really quite pointless, and many are in any case covered by a few passives. There really isn't any need for an entire progression for better repair prices, for example. It's cheap enough as it is unless you're addicted to dying or something. Likewise for merchant prices.
It is true that we have some of these ideas in other forms of ways in game currently, like Sprinting speed on Medium armor, or Sturdy trait on armor. But, I was thinking more of a general character improvement method. Really having more ways to build our characters up.
ThatHappyCat wrote: »divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »Rarely is anything actually pointless. These would add Depth into the game and give the players more choices and option of how to build a character. Which is always nice.ThatHappyCat wrote: »Because most of these are really quite pointless, and many are in any case covered by a few passives. There really isn't any need for an entire progression for better repair prices, for example. It's cheap enough as it is unless you're addicted to dying or something. Likewise for merchant prices.
It is true that we have some of these ideas in other forms of ways in game currently, like Sprinting speed on Medium armor, or Sturdy trait on armor. But, I was thinking more of a general character improvement method. Really having more ways to build our characters up.
What you're looking for may or may not be covered by the Champion system. but either way I can tell you I am not at all interested in Athletics and Acrobatics in Oblivion compared to say Alteration and Mysticism.
Pointless complexity does not equal depth. Something can be complex yet offer zero depth. Adding a bunch of extra "progression" that don't have any real choices involved is what I'd consider pointless complexity. Now, if you had to choose between progressing in different things (i.e. how the Champion system does it), then it would add depth.
On the other hand if the choices have negligible impact (e.g. better shop prices vs better repair costs, both of which are low to begin with) then it still falls in the pointless complexity category.
Its like what miahq was saying above. Recently with games, they have been dumbed down. ESO in particular is lacking so much in customization for builds compared to previous titles. Everything is too planned out, and doesnt allow us to really make difficult choices.
-divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »Ideas from past ES games:
-Acrobatics skill enables one to jump long distances and to avoid damage when falling from great heights.
-Athletics skill trains and conditions one for running and swimming.
-Mercantile skill is the art of buying low and selling high.
-Security skill lets you open locked doors and containers with lockpicks more effectively.
-Unarmored skill lets one avoid or reduce injury during combat while not wearing any armor by evading, deflecting, or absorbing blows. Those versed in this skill are better defended wearing no armor at all than they are when wearing armor.
-Armorer skill is used to maintain weapons and armor at top effectiveness. (aka, so you dont have to Repair so often).
Edit: I know we have the Trait for this one, but its almost impractical to use instead of the other possible Traits. Perhaps if we can have the option in the future for crafters to be able to add 2 traits onto a piece of armor, people might be more inclined to use 'Sturdy'.
Things like Block and Sneak can be increased with Armor Passives and Abilities, but why not have another way to build it up to allow you to create a more solid build.
(Of course you all see Hand-to-Hand and Spear on here too.)
Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself and we will see some of these ideas added in the Champion System?
divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »Give us another 4-8 classes and you will start to see more variety. Weapons fall under the same category. Give us another 6 different weapon trees and it will be easy to see the difference in how the game feels.
divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »Its like what miahq was saying above. Recently with games, they have been dumbed down. ESO in particular is lacking so much in customization for builds compared to previous titles. Everything is too planned out, and doesnt allow us to really make difficult choices.
4 classes is nothing. There is no customization, just a few Morphs to choose from yet most of them are worthless to begin with. The morph animations dont even look different from one another. So, we are all looking the same, using the same abilities, fighting the same classes. Give us another 4-8 classes and you will start to see more variety. Weapons fall under the same category. Give us another 6 different weapon trees and it will be easy to see the difference in how the game feels.
More choices = more enjoyment. Bland is not fun.
But my post was about the lesser skills. Things that could have been in the game that would have allowed for more interesting ways grow with your character through its experiences. Getting things handed to you on a silver platter isnt fun. Make us work for things, then we will feel more accomplished when we get it.
Sadfully no.divinitywithinnub18_ESO wrote: »
Who knows what future expansions may bring?