Another thread made me realize that we are fast approaching ESo's first anniversary, believe it or not. And I, like a lot of people, am pretty frustrated with the way things are going. So here's what I expect, and what I, in fact, expect of this game by its SECOND anniversary.
1. Finish creating the game they apparently "didn't have time" to make before launch. We're talking fully implemented Justice System, Champion System and Spellcrafting.
2. Improve vampires and werewolves dramatically.
3. Implement a robust player housing system.
4. Give us a GOOD alternative to Cadwell's Silver and Gold.
5. VASTLY improved character customization options post character creation. More hairstyles, more tats, scars and makeup. Name changes. Dyeable shields and weapons. Cultural CLOTHING (of various classes), whether it be crafted or via costumes/disguises but READILY AVAILABLE from vendors if the latter.
6. FUN things like LOTS of pets that are READILY AVAILABLE to everyone, MORE emotes, race and class specific emotes, vampire and werewolf emotes, more dance and musical instrument emotes and more songs that can be played on the various instruments.
7. Figuring out a trading system that doesn't SUCK like the current one does.
8. Implementing more chat channels for specific things like trading and guild advertising so that quits cluttering up zone chat.
9. Dueling. Arenas.
10. Cross faction area and content.
11. Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild.
12. An END to lag in Cyrodiil and a better PvP experience overall with more tactical objectives with more of a resemblance to actual medieval warfare. Combat from horseback. Less "balance" and more specialization.
13. Ways to level that don't involve combat. Non-combat professions that are just fun to do. Bard, shopkeeper, bar tender, etc.
What's YOUR list of expectations?
Edited by MornaBaine on December 29, 2014 11:14PM PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!