Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Does it exist? Addon that adds a prefix to whatever you type

So! I found myself using one character of mine as the RP base for a couple different characters. It's annoying to type [whatevername]: *all the other stuff* every single time, so I'm trying to find an addon that'll automatically put the [name of character] in front of whatever I'm typing, so people will know and I can be lazier.

  • Tonturri
    Anyone? :o
  • Ayantir
    Hello, I don't understand quite well what you're asking for. If you want to wisp someone, you can simply click on its name in chat if he talked to you no?.. or you want premade message?
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  • katkat42
    I think what he's asking for is half of a premade message. I don't know if you saw the video of the Brave Little Scrib theatre performance, but I think he's asking for his chat input box to be pre-populated with, ie, "[BRAVE LITTLE SCRIB]: " every time, with the cursor at the end of the line, ready for the scrib's actual lines to be typed.

    Is this right, @Tonturri ? Does this make better sense, @Ayantir ?
    Stonehenge ROCKS!
  • Tonturri
    That is correct, @katkat @Ayantir

    I play a Daedra character or two, but since I can't actually make them, I have to use a character I already have. It's a pain to explain every time someone new walks in that so and so is actually so and so.
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