So, apparently there is a piece called Shadow Walker boots.
But have...100+ containers opened (I'm buying them like crazy), I have seen every single piece possible in the medium armor v12 small containers at least twice...most 4+ times, but no shadow walker boots.
Has anyone seen these pop in the last two weeks at all? Or has the 5th piece been removed from the game?
Any help is appreciated...
killedbyping wrote: »Well, it's just another lie like "we fixed an issue, that looted items of vr14 level have better enchants then crafted ones" or those boots have redicilously low drop rate.
killedbyping wrote: »P.S. I believe that there are also a Staff of Adroitness in lower versions of this set.
So, apparently there is a piece called Shadow Walker boots.
But have...100+ containers opened (I'm buying them like crazy), I have seen every single piece possible in the medium armor v12 small containers at least twice...most 4+ times, but no shadow walker boots.
Has anyone seen these pop in the last two weeks at all? Or has the 5th piece been removed from the game?
Any help is appreciated...
jnjdun_ESO wrote: »So, apparently there is a piece called Shadow Walker boots.
But have...100+ containers opened (I'm buying them like crazy), I have seen every single piece possible in the medium armor v12 small containers at least twice...most 4+ times, but no shadow walker boots.
Has anyone seen these pop in the last two weeks at all? Or has the 5th piece been removed from the game?
Any help is appreciated...
Just keep looking. They exist. I found my boots (after two weeks and 3 million AP spent between husband and I) at a guild trader in Reaper's March.
They are an ugly style and no impenetrable, as you can see from the picture, but that doesn’t really matter too much.
killedbyping wrote: »So, apparently there is a piece called Shadow Walker boots.
But have...100+ containers opened (I'm buying them like crazy), I have seen every single piece possible in the medium armor v12 small containers at least twice...most 4+ times, but no shadow walker boots.
Has anyone seen these pop in the last two weeks at all? Or has the 5th piece been removed from the game?
Any help is appreciated...
Lol. Same goes with Adroitness set.
1.5.2 patch notes -
* Added the item “Shoes of Adroitness” to drop from the Spider Daedra boss in the dungeon Crypt of Hearts so there are now 5 pieces of the set that drop.
Well, it's just another lie like when they stated that they fixed an issue with enchants on VR14 looted items are beeing significantly stronger then crafted enchants or those boots have redicilously low drop rate.
P.S. I believe that there are also a Staff of Adroitness in lower versions of this set.
Yup, I've got two sets of the boots.
Yeah, got them ages ago.
Drop rate in the blue boxes now is rubbish compared to what it used to be. Had a guildy drop a mil AP and got about 6 items, none of which he was chasing
I'll have a look and make sure they are not bound, if you want them badly then yes happy to sell them. I was saving the other set for another alt but at the rate I'm levelling, it'll be 2017 by the time I need them.
killedbyping wrote: »So, apparently there is a piece called Shadow Walker boots.
But have...100+ containers opened (I'm buying them like crazy), I have seen every single piece possible in the medium armor v12 small containers at least twice...most 4+ times, but no shadow walker boots.
Has anyone seen these pop in the last two weeks at all? Or has the 5th piece been removed from the game?
Any help is appreciated...
Lol. Same goes with Adroitness set.
1.5.2 patch notes -
* Added the item “Shoes of Adroitness” to drop from the Spider Daedra boss in the dungeon Crypt of Hearts so there are now 5 pieces of the set that drop.
Well, it's just another lie like when they stated that they fixed an issue with enchants on VR14 looted items are beeing significantly stronger then crafted enchants or those boots have redicilously low drop rate.
P.S. I believe that there are also a Staff of Adroitness in lower versions of this set.