I have a VR14 and a VR2. I don't care about the 30 cp.
I think I understand why ZOS is doing it this way, because they don't want people who farmed xp in Craglorn anomalies, etc. before they were nerfed to have a huge advantage over others. I think that's good for ESO.
Skill and knowing how to play your class should give an advantage more than some accrued cp.
Why so much rage over the 30 cp points?
Can someone explain in a reasonable manner why it's such a big deal?
People that farm won't be as effected. Grinders can still grind and still have all their quests to do.
Someone like me that mainly quests has hardly any content to use to level up.
Well, speaking for myself, I can only say this:
I just unsubbed. I did it because I have a VR2 toon who has already wasted 1.5 zones of quests in Cadwell's Silver. And until the Champion System is fully implemented, I can't do anymore PvE quests except dailies (since I won't be getting CP for it). And since PvE is my thing, I have nothing to do anymore except farm and grind (which bore me to tears). Thus I have no reason to spend $15/month.
I'm not so much angry as sad. I do really enjoy playing this game. But until this Champion System thing fully shakes out, I'm taking a break. When I come back, I may have the same armor, weapons and stats as a fresh VR1, but at least I won't waste any more of my time or remaining quests between now and then.
I have a VR14 and a VR2. I don't care about the 30 cp.
I think I understand why ZOS is doing it this way, because they don't want people who farmed xp in Craglorn anomalies, etc. before they were nerfed to have a huge advantage over others. I think that's good for ESO.
Skill and knowing how to play your class should give an advantage more than some accrued cp.
Why so much rage over the 30 cp points?
Can someone explain in a reasonable manner why it's such a big deal?
Well, speaking for myself, I can only say this:
I just unsubbed. I did it because I have a VR2 toon who has already wasted 1.5 zones of quests in Cadwell's Silver. And until the Champion System is fully implemented, I can't do anymore PvE quests except dailies (since I won't be getting CP for it). And since PvE is my thing, I have nothing to do anymore except farm and grind (which bore me to tears). Thus I have no reason to spend $15/month.
I have a VR14 and a VR2. I don't care about the 30 cp.
I think I understand why ZOS is doing it this way, because they don't want people who farmed xp in Craglorn anomalies, etc. before they were nerfed to have a huge advantage over others. I think that's good for ESO.
Skill and knowing how to play your class should give an advantage more than some accrued cp.
Why so much rage over the 30 cp points?
Can someone explain in a reasonable manner why it's such a big deal?
Because some of us did Caldwell's Silver & Gold instead of just killing Spellfiends in Craglorn. So we don't have any additional content to gain CP.
Well, speaking for myself, I can only say this:
I just unsubbed. I did it because I have a VR2 toon who has already wasted 1.5 zones of quests in Cadwell's Silver. And until the Champion System is fully implemented, I can't do anymore PvE quests except dailies (since I won't be getting CP for it). And since PvE is my thing, I have nothing to do anymore except farm and grind (which bore me to tears). Thus I have no reason to spend $15/month.
So, before the Champion System was announced in this manner, what were your original plans for your character after you hit level cap and ran out of quests?
Were you just going to roll up an alt afterwards, or give in and farm and grind at that point?
As someone who hates Craglorn and who has already completed all the Cadwell's Gold and Silver zones; gotten all the skyshards in game; completed all the delves; and, maxed out almost every skill morph in game, can state that there isn't anything left to do afterward for a solo player in the existing game except farm and grind anyway.
Those of us who enjoy PvP have an option afterward, but you have expressly stated that PvE is your thing and the PvE here really does run out.
Suspect my main will get some Champion Points out of leveling the Justice System skills, but that is about it.
Still have zero objections to receiving the same amount of Champion Points as a v1 with one month of playtime under his or her belt.
Suppose a lot of my concerns are mitigated by the knowledge that even if my only recourse of action after maxing out the Justice System is to play an alt, that alt will constantly be adding Champion Points to my main and will still have access to all the content my main has already completed. Account-wide Champion Point earning makes a pretty significant difference. My main, and all of my other Veteran characters, do not even have to actually have any content left in order to keep progressing anyway.
... So every quest I turn in now is a quest that I'll never be getting any CP for. And I'm not even sure if I should be bothering to even craft new armor when I hit a new VR level, since that could all end up reset down to VR1 too, when they finally yank the Vet system entirely in 1.7 or 1.8.
I should be playing the game right now. Instead I'm posting here. It feels like a more productive use of my time.
... So every quest I turn in now is a quest that I'll never be getting any CP for. And I'm not even sure if I should be bothering to even craft new armor when I hit a new VR level, since that could all end up reset down to VR1 too, when they finally yank the Vet system entirely in 1.7 or 1.8.
I should be playing the game right now. Instead I'm posting here. It feels like a more productive use of my time.
Ah. Thank you for clarifying.
Think that bolded/italicized explains the issue most clearly to me.
Personally play just for the enjoyment of the game, so concerns over 'lost' Champion Points have no bearing on me. Hold no vested interest in trying to outperform other players in terms of generating additional stats; as such, my only interest is whether the game can continue hold my attention and the transition to Champion Points makes no difference to that for me. Have already completed the exisiting content and reached my part of the issue long before they made this announcement.
More interested in content than in tweaking stat points (though that is something I can enjoy), and the Champion System is geared towards the latter as opposed to the former.
This is easy to answer. People want something to complain about, this just happens to be the FOTM problem. There's also (in no particular order)Why are people upset about the 30 CP thing?
... So every quest I turn in now is a quest that I'll never be getting any CP for. And I'm not even sure if I should be bothering to even craft new armor when I hit a new VR level, since that could all end up reset down to VR1 too, when they finally yank the Vet system entirely in 1.7 or 1.8.
I should be playing the game right now. Instead I'm posting here. It feels like a more productive use of my time.
Ah. Thank you for clarifying.
Think that bolded/italicized explains the issue most clearly to me.
Personally play just for the enjoyment of the game, so concerns over 'lost' Champion Points have no bearing on me. Hold no vested interest in trying to outperform other players in terms of generating additional stats; as such, my only interest is whether the game can continue hold my attention and the transition to Champion Points makes no difference to that for me. Have already completed the exisiting content and reached my part of the issue long before they made this announcement.
More interested in content than in tweaking stat points (though that is something I can enjoy), and the Champion System is geared towards the latter as opposed to the former.
If you are only interested in the quest experience and lore that is perfectly valid and none of these changes will make much difference to you but let's be real here. Most people play MMOs (and RPGs in general) for the character progression. Advancing skills and gear and levels which allows you to take on harder and harder content (or other players). Progress is usually slow and takes time so having hundreds of hours of playtime reversed for no good reason and no clear way to get it back is why people are so upset.
This is easy to answer. People want something to complain about, this just happens to be the FOTM problem. There's also (in no particular order)Why are people upset about the 30 CP thing?
- Inventory space
- Lack of Global AH
- Sorc love (or lack thereof)
- Templar love (or lack thereof)
- Nerf DK's!!
- Fix NB's!!
- Fix Cyro Lag!!
- Nerf Block casting
- Nerf grinding (less of this lately)
- Fix the game bugs (less of this lately)
I think that about covers the major threads that pop up every 30 minutes on this Forum. The C3P0 debacle of 2014 has just been the hot button since Friday.
This is easy to answer. People want something to complain about, this just happens to be the FOTM problem. There's also (in no particular order)Why are people upset about the 30 CP thing?
- Inventory space
- Lack of Global AH
- Sorc love (or lack thereof)
- Templar love (or lack thereof)
- Nerf DK's!!
- Fix NB's!!
- Fix Cyro Lag!!
- Nerf Block casting
- Nerf grinding (less of this lately)
- Fix the game bugs (less of this lately)
I think that about covers the major threads that pop up every 30 minutes on this Forum. The C3P0 debacle of 2014 has just been the hot button since Friday.
In my opinion, it's because they want to keep it a controlled environment on launch. If players are earning champion points faster than expected then they will want to cut down the accrual rate however if they award a player that has 8 vr14's more points than one person with one vr1 and they cut down that rate it will leave an enormous discrepancy.
This is a preemptive measure for the good of the game. I like it.
Palindrome wrote: »So im confused.
it seems people complain "this not fair. Other people still have quests to do because thwy grind"
if you are all out of quests (not possible multiple dungeon daily s, crag daily, cyro daily) do you not still have the option to grind on mobs, farm dungeons, go and pvp?
Not to mention whatever new over solo and group content is released with 1.6
I really dont see the problem
Palindrome wrote: »So im confused.
it seems people complain "this not fair. Other people still have quests to do because thwy grind"
if you are all out of quests (not possible multiple dungeon daily s, crag daily, cyro daily) do you not still have the option to grind on mobs, farm dungeons, go and pvp?
Not to mention whatever new over solo and group content is released with 1.6
I really dont see the problem
The largest pool of quest XP resides in the main story quest from cadwell's silver/gold. It's a huge amount of XP. The XP you get from dailies or dungeons is puny in comparison and limited because they are daily quests. Some people don't like to grind or PvP. Some of us have completed all of silver/gold already (multiple times) and now get no credit from it while others who have yet to complete it will get the benefit of all that XP towards the Champ system. That's the problem.
Palindrome wrote: »So im confused.
it seems people complain "this not fair. Other people still have quests to do because thwy grind"
if you are all out of quests (not possible multiple dungeon daily s, crag daily, cyro daily) do you not still have the option to grind on mobs, farm dungeons, go and pvp?
Not to mention whatever new over solo and group content is released with 1.6
I really dont see the problem
The largest pool of quest XP resides in the main story quest from cadwell's silver/gold. It's a huge amount of XP. The XP you get from dailies or dungeons is puny in comparison and limited because they are daily quests. Some people don't like to grind or PvP. Some of us have completed all of silver/gold already (multiple times) and now get no credit from it while others who have yet to complete it will get the benefit of all that XP towards the Champ system. That's the problem.