I just wanted to say that imo this recent ESO Live was the best yet. Not because of the topic or Christmas shirts but because for the first time i feel like they actually had people on the show (devs) who were directly involved with the topics discussed.
I watch all of the ESO Live shows and normally feel like any questions that are asked are just given the normal PR response of "wait and see" or "stay tuned for more info on this".
This was the first time that questions asked were answered !ACTUALLY ANSWERED! with information and not just PR cover your butt nonsense.
anyway I just wanted to say thank you, and i very much hope that this is a new direction that ESO Live plans to follow in the new year.
As a special side note I just want to say thank you to all of the DEV's this game is ground breaking and nothing like any of the MMO's I have played in the last 15 years. I can only imagine how difficult it must be at times and just wanted to let you all know that some of us do very much appreciate the hard work (even if we dont always agree with it)
Happy Holidays, and Thanks Again