Darkrogue671 wrote: »Ummmmmm.... have a Dunmer motif you can part with?
OrangeTheCat wrote: »I've had so many blue motifs that I can't use nor sell for a meager 200g that I've started destroying them. Should I be holding on them now?
Darkrogue671 wrote: »Did they change the rare motif drop rates?? I did two sessions (1 each day) and the first day, I find the Daedric motif in a trunk in an inn in Reapers March. Not to be out done, the next day I find the Daedric motif again twice within 15 mins of each other again on Reapers March in the same "town". What gives?
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »The Dwemer pages dropped regularly for me when I was looking for them. I had one Imperial motif drop. I have had NONE of the other four rare motifs to drop.