Now this is a very reasonable response.Princess_Asgari wrote: »Normal everyday players like you and I. Some are top 1% players who shine with DK just like others do with other classes.
I bet this is probably the majority of responses you will get regarding DKs in Cyrodiil, they are overpowered and need to be nerfed.Of course the people who play Dragon Knights in game are people. I'm talking about in game. It's not about the person sitting at the computer. That's like saying "give peace a chance." Of course, we should.
Are you a Dragon Knight or is your main character a Dragon Knight?
It would be awesome to be a DK in real life, for sure.
It would be awesome to be a DK in real life, for sure.
Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
Sure if you spec your toon around killing nothing but dragon Knights. Or have a Zerg to burn them down. Or run into a noob who has no clue what they are doing. However, between perm talon spam and perm shield block + casting + reflective scales they are OP. No need to link your video again promoting your awsome skillz since its been posted Multiple times already.
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
Sure if you spec your toon around killing nothing but dragon Knights. Or have a Zerg to burn them down. Or run into a noob who has no clue what they are doing. However, between perm talon spam and perm shield block + casting + reflective scales they are OP. No need to link your video again promoting your awsome skillz since its been posted Multiple times already.
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
They nerfed talons so that the radius doesn't allow you to instantly cc the player again after he/she rolls out... run after that or start attacking.
If you are having trouble getting their block down (Using this as an example since I know you're a nb) keep shades on them. Even dks with a crap ton of stam cannot hold block when you keep shades on them, use mass hysteria and rapid strikes (dont use the latter if they have spiked armor btw)
Also I like the red bull reference
Jacques Berge wrote: »joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
Sure if you spec your toon around killing nothing but dragon Knights. Or have a Zerg to burn them down. Or run into a noob who has no clue what they are doing. However, between perm talon spam and perm shield block + casting + reflective scales they are OP. No need to link your video again promoting your awsome skillz since its been posted Multiple times already.
Hahahahahaha man I like my videos Hahahaha... I have fought several players 1v1 who are completely frustrated with how I fight. I can agree that, with all the survivability tools, DKs can be very powerful when they use block-casting. Your issue is with block-casting and roots not being affected by cc immunity... And RS is getting the nerf hammer.
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
They nerfed talons so that the radius doesn't allow you to instantly cc the player again after he/she rolls out... run after that or start attacking.
If you are having trouble getting their block down (Using this as an example since I know you're a nb) keep shades on them. Even dks with a crap ton of stam cannot hold block when you keep shades on them, use mass hysteria and rapid strikes (dont use the latter if they have spiked armor btw)
Also I like the red bull reference
if talons was changed to where DKs cant keep players perma taloned, then the change has not worked in my favor, as i continue to be perma taloned by half the DKs i face.
It honestly would not be so bad if it was not all they did..... and it gets annoying.
speaking of getting thru block, i recelty faced a VR6 DK that could still keep his block up after i hit him 30-50 times with light attacks, WHILE having kept shades on him. It was one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen in this game.
VERY annoying.
On the bright side though, it is good fun hitting a DK with sparks and watching all their flame whips miss while i attack them:) good fun
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
They nerfed talons so that the radius doesn't allow you to instantly cc the player again after he/she rolls out... run after that or start attacking.
If you are having trouble getting their block down (Using this as an example since I know you're a nb) keep shades on them. Even dks with a crap ton of stam cannot hold block when you keep shades on them, use mass hysteria and rapid strikes (dont use the latter if they have spiked armor btw)
Also I like the red bull reference
if talons was changed to where DKs cant keep players perma taloned, then the change has not worked in my favor, as i continue to be perma taloned by half the DKs i face.
It honestly would not be so bad if it was not all they did..... and it gets annoying.
speaking of getting thru block, i recelty faced a VR6 DK that could still keep his block up after i hit him 30-50 times with light attacks, WHILE having kept shades on him. It was one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen in this game.
VERY annoying.
On the bright side though, it is good fun hitting a DK with sparks and watching all their flame whips miss while i attack them:) good fun
Wow.... 30-50 light attacks... that's a long fight. Try to mix in some mass hysterias in that case as it is a unblockable cc they must cc break out to be able to do anything
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
Sure if you spec your toon around killing nothing but dragon Knights. Or have a Zerg to burn them down. Or run into a noob who has no clue what they are doing. However, between perm talon spam and perm shield block + casting + reflective scales they are OP. No need to link your video again promoting your awsome skillz since its been posted Multiple times already.
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
Sure if you spec your toon around killing nothing but dragon Knights. Or have a Zerg to burn them down. Or run into a noob who has no clue what they are doing. However, between perm talon spam and perm shield block + casting + reflective scales they are OP. No need to link your video again promoting your awsome skillz since its been posted Multiple times already.
As a DK I have to spec to kill all the NBs and sorcs that can own my normal DK spec... what's your point?
I see DK. DK sees me. I know I'm going to have to do 10k dmg if not more to kill him all while he is holding block...joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »Jacques Berge wrote: »
Dragon Knights in Cyrodiil are very killable
Sure if you spec your toon around killing nothing but dragon Knights. Or have a Zerg to burn them down. Or run into a noob who has no clue what they are doing. However, between perm talon spam and perm shield block + casting + reflective scales they are OP. No need to link your video again promoting your awsome skillz since its been posted Multiple times already.
L2P if you can't kill a dk they have been nerfed twice already and are getting a 3rd. Dodge roll out of talons and drain their stamina in some way (every class has abilities that can) and it shouldn't be too hard after that
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
They nerfed talons so that the radius doesn't allow you to instantly cc the player again after he/she rolls out... run after that or start attacking.
If you are having trouble getting their block down (Using this as an example since I know you're a nb) keep shades on them. Even dks with a crap ton of stam cannot hold block when you keep shades on them, use mass hysteria and rapid strikes (dont use the latter if they have spiked armor btw)
Also I like the red bull reference
if talons was changed to where DKs cant keep players perma taloned, then the change has not worked in my favor, as i continue to be perma taloned by half the DKs i face.
It honestly would not be so bad if it was not all they did..... and it gets annoying.
speaking of getting thru block, i recelty faced a VR6 DK that could still keep his block up after i hit him 30-50 times with light attacks, WHILE having kept shades on him. It was one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen in this game.
VERY annoying.
On the bright side though, it is good fun hitting a DK with sparks and watching all their flame whips miss while i attack them:) good fun
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
They nerfed talons so that the radius doesn't allow you to instantly cc the player again after he/she rolls out... run after that or start attacking.
If you are having trouble getting their block down (Using this as an example since I know you're a nb) keep shades on them. Even dks with a crap ton of stam cannot hold block when you keep shades on them, use mass hysteria and rapid strikes (dont use the latter if they have spiked armor btw)
Also I like the red bull reference
if talons was changed to where DKs cant keep players perma taloned, then the change has not worked in my favor, as i continue to be perma taloned by half the DKs i face.
It honestly would not be so bad if it was not all they did..... and it gets annoying.
speaking of getting thru block, i recelty faced a VR6 DK that could still keep his block up after i hit him 30-50 times with light attacks, WHILE having kept shades on him. It was one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen in this game.
VERY annoying.
On the bright side though, it is good fun hitting a DK with sparks and watching all their flame whips miss while i attack them:) good fun
I had a guy do that to me, so i got tired of missing, spammed talons 8 times, dropped banner on his dead, walked away, got 800 AP
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
The only DKs i consider OP are the perma block talon spammers. Talons does not grant immunity when broken, allowing the DK to keep you taloned the entire fight; not to mention talons does physical damage on cast, allowing the DK to do even more damage to you if you roll out of it, we must also take into account the DoT effect.
Scales is not OP and does not need any kind of nerf in my opinion. People just need to stop mindlessly spamming snipe when a DK drinks red bull and flaps their wings.
actually with the new tank ability where anyone who uses it can draw ALL projectiles to them instead of people around them, yea reflective scales NEEDS the nerf they are doing to it. Infinite reflection + all projectiles flying at you? Yea, needs to happen.