so a 10% increase in stats at night wont benefit PvE or 5% stronger skills when fully fed? it was not until 2 days ago did I consume the first food item and I am Vr14 Sorceror and was doing fine before that if you rely on food to get you through the game then you obviously need practice.Yet another player who doesn't realize that this game isn't only PvP, and any change made to any skill line affects both PvP AND PvE. Vamps are fine, and have been nerfed twice already.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
then you do not have to be rude about it, it's little wonder why many people dislike MMOs when they have to deal with people who are rude. maybe they should make those changes and remove all signs that your character is a vampire in PvP by removing all their powers and weakness and their ability to feed how does that sound, also this is not a Nerf, Why the hell would I want to Nerf vampires when I myself am one?TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
Actually, I don't care what changes you want made to Vamps, as long as it's kept only to Cyrodiil, as such changes should be. Drain already has a cool down in PvE.
technically in ESO feeding make you more powerful having a higher healing rate is better then a slightly cheaper ultimate., That was sort of retconned in Dawnguard when you needed to feed to gain Vampire lord perks. if anything you are a Dhampir/Half Vampire is ESO and not a REAL Vampire, why else does poison damage and disease damage harm you and why do you lack fangs?Circuitous wrote: »I'd like to see suggestions that actually fit the lore of TES vampires, especially the breed found in ESO.
TES vampires can eat. Not all TES vampire clans are subject to damage by sunlight. TES vampires go stronger the longer they abstain from drinking blood.
I like the idea of feeding being breakable or having a cooldown, maybe both. Allowing an ally to shield bash the vampire would be nice, too.
yep people seem to think the vampire's in ESO are deprived from fairies it seems. next time I play I will bring that up and see what people think.I like the idea of sunlight and moonlight that you suggested, sadly ES players are not interested in lore - at least many of those who play a vampire. They pick them due Twilight "lore" and there every Vampire can have a picnic in the park...
Trying to explain to them that Vampires should not easily walk around during day is very hard to say the least.
Good luck trying to talk sense into people.
well they cant contract lycanthopy from werewolves so yeah infact werewolves should also be 100% immune to disease.timidobserver wrote: »It does make sense that disease damage wouldn't impact vampires.
...I don't begrudge people playing them, they just need to be way less obvious, especially in towns where the guards would hack them to bits before they got anywhere near.
MornaBaine wrote: »...I don't begrudge people playing them, they just need to be way less obvious, especially in towns where the guards would hack them to bits before they got anywhere near.
Personally, I'd LOVE not knowing who the vampires are for the most part as this would accord with the very lore established in this game by Lamae herself when she tells you that your kin reside undetected at all levels of society at the end of the vampire quest.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »As a Powerful and Most likely infamous Vampire in Tamriel I have an Idea that may improve Vampirism greatly and perhaps cut down the number's a Bit and at the same time make vampire's more feared....many of you know Vampirism in ESO is considered by some to be OP (Over Powered) and by other's to be UP (Under Powered) now I have thought this through long and hard and have come up with ideas to how to cater to both people...
Feeding in PvP
Problem - Feeding is considered by those in PvP to be "Annoying" as vampire's have figured out how to utilize it best to their advantage including myself of course, this mainly concerns DKs of all classes at their tanking abilities are why Vampire's are more lily to go after them then any other class and people seem to hate this.
Solution - A Cooldown on someone who has been fed on so no vampire is able to feed on them again for at least 30 Minutes to an Hour or have it possible to be broken out of but in turn have it deal the same damage as Drain Essence and whatever effects on morphs are present. (As lets be honest after losing that much blood you should be very hurt)
Problem - Sunlight regardless of whatever it says is still inconsistent, some say the vampires in ESO are immune to sunlight because they are "special" well that is no excuse as you are still a lesser vampire when compared to what you can become in Skyrim and even still you have a weakness to Sunlight as should ALL vampire's, no excuse's
Solution - Add a 10% reduction of Health, Stamina and Magicka in Daylight Hours while Outdoors but a 10% increase in Health, Stamina and Magicka at Night and while indoors they will have regular stats
Vampire Stages
Problem - Most people who are vampires tend to stay in stage 4 as it seems a low healing rate is not penalty enough to get them to feed so my Idea
Solution - while Fully Fed a Vampire's abilites will be 5% more powerful
and at Stage 4 their abilities will be 5% weaker.
Now that is my Idea that will balance Vampirism out I do have a few more Ideas which cater to lore fanatics however
100% immunity to Poison Damage
100% immunity to Disease Damage
and to Balance it out
Food or Drink should have no effect on Vampire's WHATSOEVER (Be honest they are Undead and should not even be able to Digest food at all) I believe this will very much balance it out and make Vampire's more defined as Food seems to be very important to a lot of people but such should be the price one must pay for Power.
Post Comment: It is also come to my attention that I as a Vampire am vulnerable to not 1 but 2 fear abilities and they are Fear and turn Undead, the question on my mind is why are vampire's effected by both while mortal characters are only effected by 1? shouldn't vampire's only be effected by Turn Undead and not Fear? it would logically make more sense then what is currently present.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Sunlight
Problem - Sunlight regardless of whatever it says is still inconsistent, some say the vampires in ESO are immune to sunlight because they are "special" well that is no excuse as you are still a lesser vampire when compared to what you can become in Skyrim and even still you have a weakness to Sunlight as should ALL vampire's, no excuse's
Solution - Add a 10% reduction of Health, Stamina and Magicka in Daylight Hours while Outdoors but a 10% increase in Health, Stamina and Magicka at Night and while indoors they will have regular stats
And, for any reasons lore wise one might make for disease and poison resist - that 100% immunity is ridiculous in this game for pvp. Sounds like a dream for a caster/pvp'r to be resistant to meat bags, poison arrows, etc.
eh, some changes probably wouldn't hurt for vampires, but unless it came along with nerfing batswarm (I know, prepare for lol's) they shouldn't have any buffs to the line. Batswarm is the reason everyone I know becomes a vampire, it's one of the best ulti's in the game especially considering it's cost. Should there be more benefits to being a vamp? Sure, but things need to be evened up if so.
Would vampires like having batswarm nerfed if it meant more useful skills elsewhere?
And, for any reasons lore wise one might make for disease and poison resist - that 100% immunity is ridiculous in this game for pvp. Sounds like a dream for a caster/pvp'r to be resistant to meat bags, poison arrows, etc.
Darkrogue671 wrote: »And, for any reasons lore wise one might make for disease and poison resist - that 100% immunity is ridiculous in this game for pvp. Sounds like a dream for a caster/pvp'r to be resistant to meat bags, poison arrows, etc.
Not if vamps have a 100% weakness to fire like they should. They'll see fire twice as much as they would poison or disease.
I am pretty sure not being able to use food in exchange for immunities to poison and disease would be more then enough of a penalty, I would keep the fire damage the same.Darkrogue671 wrote: »And, for any reasons lore wise one might make for disease and poison resist - that 100% immunity is ridiculous in this game for pvp. Sounds like a dream for a caster/pvp'r to be resistant to meat bags, poison arrows, etc.
Not if vamps have a 100% weakness to fire like they should. They'll see fire twice as much as they would poison or disease.
Define 100% weakness to fire, I read this as any fire damage causes instant death...