Sanguinarius Nox [Fan-made vampire bloodline book]

Sanguinarius Nox
By Night Dreadheart

The disease vampirism has been widely spread across the continents of Nirn itself, but as many should know by now, vampirism is not only one disease, but many. The bloodlines vary from land to land, and even in some cases, from towns to towns. This book is the study and explanation of the unique abilities & features possessed by the vampires of Sanguinarius Nox; a bloodline I myself have seen grow and spread to the worthy over a thousand years. Only those who prove themselves worthy to carry such a gift will be granted the disease.

Vampiric Claws

Of all the abilities the vampiric bloodline of Sanguinarius Nox is known for, the most proudly possessed are their claws (not to be mistaken with those of the feral bloodfiends, who have been seen with this trait themselves). Those gifted with Sanguinarius Nox have the option of retracting their claws back into their very hands. Through studies, it is safe to conclude that it is from the vampires very hands these claws form. The bone structure within the hand splits the flesh apart at the fingertips, forming sharp and deadly claws. These claws, while seemingly produced from the bone of the Vampire, are anything but brittle. In fact, some of those who possess Sanguinarius Nox have been seen parrying swords and other such instruments of battle. This, of course, makes it quite the viable choice, in place of traditional weaponry; the vampire in question can strike, rip and tear through the flesh of their prey with ease, and coupled with heightened speed and agility, these predators of the night are truly a force to be reckoned with.

Predatorian Vision

One of the more common vampiric powers held by many bloodlines; predatorian vision is often referred to as simply Vampire’s sight or Hunter’s Sight. It grants the vampire excellent vision in darkness and allows the vampire to see their surroundings in the same sense that a Khajiit might utilize their natural abilities, or a Breton would drink a Night-Eye concoction. In addition to that, all living life-forms appears with a greater aura, allowing the vampire to spot their blood filled prey with ease. However, zombies, ghosts and all creatures which are considered undead (or dead) do not appear with the same living aura, and are therefore harder than the living to see.

Shadowy Existence

Of all the things a Vampire may have at ones disposal, Darkness will always be its greatest ally. This is no exception for those gifted with Sanguinarius Nox. In fact, the vampires of this particular bloodline wield the power to blend into any matter of darkness they see fit. Studies on said Sanguinarius Nox have shown that while they are still present, they are thoroughly wreathed in their surrounding, forming a natural camouflage that is undetectable by the naked eye. While the vampire is free to move and act in any means he or she sees fit, a touch by the smallest light from any source reveals the existence of the vampire, meaning that it is therefore important that they stays clear of light when hunting with this method.

Swarm of Bats

Vampires are most commonly associated with bats, and those carrying Sanguinarius Nox are no different. The vampires of Sanguinarius Nox wield the power to transform their entire body into a swarm of undead bats, carrion and the likes. The number of bats differs from being to being, but the possibilities of this power is near endless. It can be used as an excellent method of escape, or transportation, even in the heat of battle. While this might sound well, the vampire must be careful while transformed. If even a single bat dies, or is stopped from returning to assemble the vampires body anew, the vampire in question will appear with a great deal of pain, and injuries, too.

While in this swarm-like form, a learned vampire will be in full control of every bat created under transformation, while a mere fletchling will find themselves confused and unable to decipher the inner workings of this age-old technique. It is therefore recommended to practice and hone this power before ever relying on it in battle, for it requires not only skill, but a precise amount of focus.

Vampiric Might

However, despite all else, the most powerful ability possessed by the Sanguinarius Nox is their supernatural might. Those gifted with this particular bloodline are stronger and faster than any mere mortal man or woman, capable of breaking heavier objects and even striking through a man’s armor. This is, however, not so simple a concept. One is not simply granted these abilities upon being sired. No, lesser vampires must train and wait until they are of age which allows them to tap into the true potential of their bloodline. Though with that said, the young will still be able to strike with the might of a seasoned Nord, and sprint with the agility and speed of an acrobatic Khajiit.

And while this may sound pleasant, do not be mistaken. Every Vampire (sanguinarius nox or no) must choose carefully when to and not to use their inhuman abilities, lest they are figured out by the mortal men and women that surround them on a daily basis. While strong enough to take on villages, they are few in number, and each death strikes a blow to their ranks harder than they can afford.

Vampiric features

Now despite all I have told you, the lives of the Sanguinarius Nox is not a pleasant one. Where the Cyrodiilic bloodline has been known to simply exist amongst Men and Mer, the Sanguinarius Nox has been bound to a life where they are marred and cursed with the features of a vampire. Well-fed or no, they appear as monsters to the common man. Though that, of course, is entirely up to opinion. I, myself, believe it to be beautiful, and something to be proud of, rather than ashamed. Still, I cannot deny the risks of revealing oneself to the public. Knowing Men and Mer, they would sooner strike one of the bloodline down than discuss terms.

And while it is rare, we mustn't dare go without feeding for too long. The lack of blood will deny us of our greatest vampiric abilities, the ability to control them as one normally could, and the great risk of decaying, even within our immortal shells. However, fear not. No vampire — to my knowledge — has been known to fall far enough from their original appearance to lose more than a nose. And while it appears to be ghastly, it is as far as our recorded history goes.

Due to these traits being a curse (or blessing) that comes with this gift combined with our more predatory abilities, the Sanguinarius Nox is often regarded to as both feral and monstrous.


In all our records, the longest a vampire of the Sanguinarius Nox strain has been able to remain in direct sunlight had been mere minutes before their bodies would burn and disintegrate, leaving behind only ashes, to which others might brew into alchemical concoctions. A joyous ordeal for say a Breton or an Altmer, though a hideous fate for us, definitely.

So, in summary; if the vampire must take leave from their safe haven for longer than a night, they must ensure that they wear leather or plate, as the sun can pierce the holes in normal linen clothing. And if truly desperate, seeking refuge in an inn, is advised. Though heed my warnings when I say that you may wish to find yourself in a private room. The more public, “shared” rooms have proven more difficult in the past, as people may grow suspicious of your shrouded appearance.

Text: Henrik V. Ovesen
Artwork: Siluen
Revision: Thorson Wong
Edited by ShadowHvo on June 21, 2017 9:24PM
Nighren - The Shadow Striker
Leader of Bloodlines
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  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    You said it may be biased and contain false information from an ingame character's point of view but just so you know technically Vampirism itself is not a disease, What causes Vampirism however is.

    As an example in Skyrim when you become a Vampire Lord, If you had not contracted any disease previous your diseases contracted would still be 0 as you were turned directly without the assistance of a disease, also Harkon even says if you approach him as a Vampire that you contracted a disease and are no true vampire.

    All in all its a good read :)
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on December 15, 2014 5:36AM
  • ShadowHvo
    Remember however that Harkon himself is very biased, disease or not, all vampiric strains comes from somewhere, and proven by Skyrim even the Volkihar clan is affected by Sanguinare Vampiris. While Harkon and his beloved daughter and wife was all turned directly by Molag Bal, they still share Sanguinare Vampiris.

    While it's of course absolutely true that when Harkon sires the Dragonborn, the Dragonborn is given a much more potent bloodline than the ones found from random roaming vampires, and the dragonborn is even given the rare powers of the vampire lord form. But none the less, the Dragonborn, as well as Harkon is still affected with Sanguinare Vampiris, just a much stronger and potent version than the random cave vampire one can ever grant you.

    Harkon, by what I remember he told in Skyrim, claimed he were over a thousand years old. Which makes it very possible for the disease to have spread through him as the original progenitor to Sanguinare Vampiris. While naturally that is pure theorycrafting, since Molly could've granted the exact same disease to others too. But it has to have originated from somewhere to be spread so widely across Skyrim, and my guess is at Harkon, due to his age.

    While Harkon truely does call it a mere disease if the Dragonborn is affected by vampirism at his arrival, I personally believe that he is simply biased, and believe his own version to be much more superior, which is why he regards that as a gift, rather than a disease. All powerful vampires, espically pure-blood created ones would most likely see themselves as the pure and superior, and regard anything below theirs as a mere disease for weaklings.

    However, with that all said, I did go back to Skyrim real quick to check if you were right about the vampirism Harkon granting you didn't count as a disease, and you were absolutely right! However, when the player goes to sire one of the chosen NPC's via the vampire quests after completion of the main storyline, the sired NPC is granted Sanguinare Vampiris, which indicates that the vampires in question still are affected by it one way or the other still.

    While it's naturally always a matter of how we look at Game mechanics from lore, the disease itself in ESO is actually just called Vampirism, and not Noxiphilic Sanguvoria which is the bloodline the player is "infected" with, funnily enough.

    However in essence at last, you're right when you say that the disease turns into vampirism, however that specific strain of disease is still within the vampire, otherwise it wouldn't be able to spread it.

    Yay, vampire lore discussions, my favorite! Thanks, take this awesome! =D
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

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  • thodoris1008
    I don't know much about the vampire lore of TES,but i have to say that this was a nice read and i also liked the artwork.Well done!
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