Before going further, I just want to clarify that I'm not at all against the justice system. The more options and systems (that work as intended) in the game, the better.
I'm just curious how this will affect you from (1) an immersion point of view, and (2) from an RP perspective if you consider the story.
It just seems kind of strange that you would be The Great Hero and Savior of Tamriel and Slayer of Molag Bal and still be a petty thief taking stuff out of crates and barrels.
I know this could happen in any Elder Scrolls game. When I first started out as the Nerevarine, I was poor and took what I could get from those crates and barrels to get started, along with my money from Caius Cosades (remember him)? I stole a lot of stuff, especially from the vaults in Vivec and those Telvanni mages. That is the kind of thievery I could get in to. I even murdered a guy and took his house in Balmora. He was kind of a jerk, anyway. But I didn't really think about it in terms of the story. I just made my story as I went.
I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't any loot like that in Oblivion or Skyrim, to be honest. That's just one of the reasons Morrowind is my favorite game of all time.
Do you think there will be great heist targets like in the single player games (like in Morrowind)? Or is it just shopkeepers and crates and barrels?
How will this work for your immersion and RP, especially after slaying Molag Bal and saving Tamriel?
Edited by Blud on December 14, 2014 11:39AM