More powerful we need to be.

As elder scrolled progressed things seem to go the route of things "Looking GOOD!". The premise of improving/making own spells, increasing skills, leveling stats to battle higher monsters.

Now would be a great time to make us more powerful. What I mean is why does the ability I need to use to combat enemies level the cost to use. I never get out of the level 1 phase of damage then. Yes we do more for more yet I am fighting more and more with really the same amount I did first level proportionally.

So we nerf the abilities we have since people want others to suffer that accomplished said task of becoming powerful. By complaining on the forums for this guy killed 50 of us because we'e so dumb. To not realize fighting with melee against him was the wrong way to go about it.

Things went down as in no actually climbing<daggerfall arena 2>. No manipulation of our spells <lost in skyrim>. Poisoning my enemies inventory<skyrim kept that though>. Right this is an MMO and I have seen plenty of MMOs with those powers from the geck go.<fallout humor> This world looks beautiful yet very unfinished.

Now one more... WHERE IS FLIGHT?!?!?

I feel so limited and powerless during these quests. Join a group you say. That is not my char being powerful. Plenty of groups fell short being just as being not powerful. Preparation is key. FOOD, POTIONs, GEAR, mapping the terrain so I don't back myself into a wall or bring more monsters, slotting appropriate abilities making sure I have nothing running in background, checking my video settings do not need a tweak. By that time an hour has gone by only to find the grouping mechanism not working.

Where's the button that shuts up those damn someone log in someone log out of guilds to turn off?

  • Wreuntzylla
    I really have no idea what point you are trying to get a cross but... I gave you an agree anyway!
  • Blud
    I really have no idea what point you are trying to get a cross but... I gave you an agree anyway!

    It's Yoda.
    Edited by Blud on December 14, 2014 4:25AM
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    Blud wrote: »
    I really have no idea what point you are trying to get a cross but... I gave you an agree anyway!

    It's Yoda.

    Read the title I did, same thing I thought.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Esha76
    Once 1.6 hits and your Champion points can be added to your characters (assuming you have any over 50) everyone should be getting a bit/little more powerful due to the passives. I don't recall seeing anything stating they will be buffing NPCs and bosses either....

    Which I also then suspect will bring a wave of people starting posts about classes being OP, nerf this/nerf that, the game is even more so too easy, etc. I'm willing to bet there will be several posts about this that get very hostile very fast.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • kongkim
    o.O Woot did you just say there.
  • AlexDougherty
    As elder scrolled progressed things seem to go the route of things "Looking GOOD!". The premise of improving/making own spells, increasing skills, leveling stats to battle higher monsters.

    Now would be a great time to make us more powerful. What I mean is why does the ability I need to use to combat enemies level the cost to use. I never get out of the level 1 phase of damage then. Yes we do more for more yet I am fighting more and more with really the same amount I did first level proportionally.

    So we nerf the abilities we have since people want others to suffer that accomplished said task of becoming powerful. By complaining on the forums for this guy killed 50 of us because we'e so dumb. To not realize fighting with melee against him was the wrong way to go about it.

    Things went down as in no actually climbing<daggerfall arena 2>. No manipulation of our spells <lost in skyrim>. Poisoning my enemies inventory<skyrim kept that though>. Right this is an MMO and I have seen plenty of MMOs with those powers from the geck go.<fallout humor> This world looks beautiful yet very unfinished.

    Now one more... WHERE IS FLIGHT?!?!?

    I feel so limited and powerless during these quests. Join a group you say. That is not my char being powerful. Plenty of groups fell short being just as being not powerful. Preparation is key. FOOD, POTIONs, GEAR, mapping the terrain so I don't back myself into a wall or bring more monsters, slotting appropriate abilities making sure I have nothing running in background, checking my video settings do not need a tweak. By that time an hour has gone by only to find the grouping mechanism not working.

    Where's the button that shuts up those damn someone log in someone log out of guilds to turn off?

    Most of the abilities are fine, a few need tweeking, our comparative strength is fine too, we are mortals fighting other mortals, not gods.

    Spellcrafting is on the way, as is poisons, I don't want climbing, apart from jumping which we already have. We don't need flight, after all if you are flying then you are just more vulnerable to everyone with a bow or staff.

    You feel powerless, that's because this is a good mmo, if we felt too powerful then we wouldn't be challenged. The difficulty level is fine (I would prefer they got rid of scaling but hey, nobody's perfect).

    The grouping mechanism is supposedly being fixed. And everyone want to turn the damn notifications off.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Shader_Shibes
    Blud wrote: »
    I really have no idea what point you are trying to get a cross but... I gave you an agree anyway!

    It's Yoda.

    Read the title I did, same thing I thought.

    The only one you are not. Herh herh herh.

  • Lynx7386
    What he's basically saying is that, as we progress through the game, we never actually "feel" any more powerful than we did at the start. Your character becomes more powerful, but the enemies become more powerful at a nearly identical (or faster) rate, which makes it feel like you've gained nothing and in some cases makes your 'epic powerful molag-bal stomping character' feel like a peon being thrown at the enemy as cannon fodder.

    I agree with that point entirely, too. It's one of the things I dislike most about ESO. In most MMO's / RPG's, you get more powerful as you level up. If the devs want to keep the content on a similar level of difficulty, they can do so, but they usually do so by making the enemies more 'epic' as well. At level 1 you were fighting brigands and rogues, at level 20 you're fighting trained soldiers, at level 40 you're fighting demons, and at level 60 you're fighting dragons or ancient gods or something of the like. That's a sense of power progression.

    Here, you go from fighting beasties at level 1, to fighting more beasties at level 20, to killing molag bal at level 50... and then you go back to getting your arse handed to you by beasties at vet 1. The entire cadwell's silver/gold system they used in ESO is so mind blowingly anti-climactic that it infuriates me.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    What he's basically saying is that, as we progress through the game, we never actually "feel" any more powerful than we did at the start. Your character becomes more powerful, but the enemies become more powerful at a nearly identical (or faster) rate, which makes it feel like you've gained nothing and in some cases makes your 'epic powerful molag-bal stomping character' feel like a peon being thrown at the enemy as cannon fodder.

    I agree with that point entirely, too. It's one of the things I dislike most about ESO. In most MMO's / RPG's, you get more powerful as you level up. If the devs want to keep the content on a similar level of difficulty, they can do so, but they usually do so by making the enemies more 'epic' as well. At level 1 you were fighting brigands and rogues, at level 20 you're fighting trained soldiers, at level 40 you're fighting demons, and at level 60 you're fighting dragons or ancient gods or something of the like. That's a sense of power progression.

    Here, you go from fighting beasties at level 1, to fighting more beasties at level 20, to killing molag bal at level 50... and then you go back to getting your arse handed to you by beasties at vet 1. The entire cadwell's silver/gold system they used in ESO is so mind blowingly anti-climactic that it infuriates me.

    Speak for yourself. My developed fighters all are powerful. My crafters run.

    I'm sorry the VR beasties are too tough for you but they have already been NERFED INTO THE GROUND. The howls of rage when people discovered VR stuff was tough were deafening. Then they nerfed it all.

    I have to play way past my numbers to get a challenge. Please no more nerfing, Please.

    You lot need to 'learn to build' my new pet peeve. L2B and you will do much better. L2P is very useful too. ;)
    Edited by poodlemasterb16_ESO on December 14, 2014 9:30PM
  • Barik
    It would be nice if they made a "Hardcore" mode for VR content that would restore the difficulty it had before...
  • Wreuntzylla
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    What he's basically saying is that, as we progress through the game, we never actually "feel" any more powerful than we did at the start. Your character becomes more powerful, but the enemies become more powerful at a nearly identical (or faster) rate, which makes it feel like you've gained nothing and in some cases makes your 'epic powerful molag-bal stomping character' feel like a peon being thrown at the enemy as cannon fodder.

    I agree with that point entirely, too. It's one of the things I dislike most about ESO. In most MMO's / RPG's, you get more powerful as you level up. If the devs want to keep the content on a similar level of difficulty, they can do so, but they usually do so by making the enemies more 'epic' as well. At level 1 you were fighting brigands and rogues, at level 20 you're fighting trained soldiers, at level 40 you're fighting demons, and at level 60 you're fighting dragons or ancient gods or something of the like. That's a sense of power progression.

    Here, you go from fighting beasties at level 1, to fighting more beasties at level 20, to killing molag bal at level 50... and then you go back to getting your arse handed to you by beasties at vet 1. The entire cadwell's silver/gold system they used in ESO is so mind blowingly anti-climactic that it infuriates me.

    Speak for yourself. My developed fighters all are powerful. My crafters run.

    I'm sorry the VR beasties are too tough for you but they have already been NERFED INTO THE GROUND. The howls of rage when people discovered VR stuff was tough were deafening. Then they nerfed it all.

    I have to play way past my numbers to get a challenge. Please no more nerfing, Please.

    You lot need to 'learn to build' my new pet peeve. L2B and you will do much better. L2P is very useful too. ;)


    Nothing you wrote has even a tiny bit of relevance to @Lynx7386's comment. Really. Not one bit. Not a smidgeon. I'm sitting next to project "engineers" and even their infinitesimal intelligence can comprehend the lack of relevance in your post. They are sitting next to business executives, and yes, even THEY understand the irrelevance. For goodness sake, the marketing team gets it...

    That's right. I said it. You displayed a level of reading comprehension that is below that of a suit monkey. Worse, you did it abusively by throwing down L2B and L2P. Epic fail. L2R.

    It's ok though! I was able to abuse the abuser because I used L2R. Disguising abusive commentary using an inherently demeaning suggestion in the form of an acronym is OK with ZoS!
    Edited by Wreuntzylla on December 24, 2014 3:27AM
  • Lynx7386
    Lol, thanks for that @Wreuntzylla‌

    You're right, I have absolutely no difficulty with the actual toughness of enemies in this game. My berserker nightblade running through vet ranks is smashing even the world bosses solo without much difficulty.

    What I said was that you dont -feel- more powerful as you progress through the game. The relative level of strength between my character and the enemies I'm fighting has remained at a near constant from level 1 well into the veteran ranks.

    I feel more powerful when I'm fighting more intimidating enemies. When I go up against a daedroth, that feels like I'm playing a powerful hero. However, when I've gone through the campaign and defeated not only powerful daedroth, but also molag bal - a freaking lord of oblivion - and then I'm put right back to alit pest control, it doesnt make me feel epic or powerful at all. It feels, rather, like the developers playing a joke on us.

    RPG's show character progression not through the actual combat strength of your enemies, but by through the -appearance- of strength in your enemies. You can have a skeever, a zombie, a barbarian lord, a dremora, a daedroth, and a lord of oblivion with all identical stats and combat strength, but which do you think will make the player feel more powerful for defeating when he's victorious? Do you think he'll boast to the tavern wenches about how he single-handedly defeated a skeever, or is it more likely that he'd want to boast about slaying a twelve foot tall fire breathing daedroth?

    Appearances are all I'm talking about, not difficulty.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • DeLindsay
    Barik wrote: »
    It would be nice if they made a "Hardcore" mode for VR content that would restore the difficulty it had before...
    MANY of us asked for this during the time ZoS was talking about nerfing VR content the 2nd time. And not one comment from ZoS about an option to have the previous difficulty was ever addressed. I mean if I'm being honest, there's no way in hell I should be able to pull (3) full groups of enemies in Spellscar including (2) Storm Att and destroy the whole lot in <15 sec solo, but I can easily.

    However to the OP, maybe it's you because I certainly feel much stronger at VR14 in Legendary gear than I felt at VR12 in Epic gear. The Champion System will effect this even more.
    Edited by DeLindsay on December 24, 2014 4:00AM
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    To Lynx7386 I just want to say, most of the time I do not mind, but those Wasps really do annoy me. I suppose a wasp the size of a Condor though would be pretty dangerous, especially if it can still move fast like a normal wasp... but its amazing how non-epic a Wasp looks, but how much HARDER they hit than a Storm Atronach or one of those Amped Nirncrux Trolls.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • WraithAzraiel
    Esha76 wrote: »
    Once 1.6 hits and your Champion points can be added to your characters (assuming you have any over 50) everyone should be getting a bit/little more powerful due to the passives. I don't recall seeing anything stating they will be buffing NPCs and bosses either....

    Which I also then suspect will bring a wave of people starting posts about classes being OP, nerf this/nerf that, the game is even more so too easy, etc. I'm willing to bet there will be several posts about this that get very hostile very fast.

    That plus all your stats are getting multiplied by 10.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

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