Well it used to. Used to be all flame damage. I noticed the changed it to spell power with fire though in the tool tip.
Hopeful the upcoming change to all magicka using spell power will bring that back.
Are you sure that it still doesn't apply to all fire damage. I always get slightly more from the Fire part of crushing shock and in a test with white no trait VR14 destro I get ~4-5% more damage with the Fire Elemental ring. This is on a Dunmer NB so no other fire damage buffs except flame talent. I have to do a respec soon and I will test this more thoroughly.
I'm not sure. Was just taking his word for it. The language in the tool tip is differnt though.
Dragonphart wrote: »Dumb question here but was in the beta and just came back. Are Dark Evlves a bad choice or can they be viable. I like the look and they seem to be a bit more durable and more of a battle mage. Any thoughts.