Morning Folks!
So, I have a gaggle of characters and two accounts nowadays. Even though I don't get to play as much due to the work schedule (being medical sucks sometimes), I've done everything I can to have a character handy to play in this game regardless of what I'm in the mood for or what the group needs. I'm the guy that will readily swap characters so we can get (insert run here) done without standing around for an hour or longer. But again, depends on my mood.
So I'm looking at my stable of characters this am (day off - heck yeah). And I'm noticing that amongst the V14 I've some skills to improve. As an example, looking at my DK Pyromage - she needs to go ahead and max out evil hunter/flawless dawnbreaker. And a few other things I'm sure. Only on my first cup of joe...
Anyway, after running a couple of pledge dungeons and a couple of Cadwell's Silver quests (yeah I skipped it - get over yourself

) I've noticed little to no movement after picking up quest rewards. This perplexes me, so I'm bringing my concerns here to discuss.
I'm seriously not getting what's happening here. It used to be that you could level up your skills quickly by grinding mobs. And although I'm quite used to that, I haven't been in the mood so far today. Anyway, my questions:
1. Is the concept of mob grinding for hours and hours all that's left to improve skills at a reasonable rate now?
2. Why is it that I'm getting VP rewards on my characters, but see no skill movement?
If the only way left now to improve skills past level 50 is to grind mobs, there are going to be some really pissed lowbies running around Coldharbour today. I have a no lines, no waiting attitude when gathering up regular xp to improve character skills. Oftentimes meaning I'm just clearing the field over and over again and ignoring complaints. Hate to have to do that again, but whatever...
To ZOS; when are we going to see killing mobs that give VP actually do something for skill improvement? And why do I feel forced to look for level 44 and up mobs and steal them from lowbies to improve my character? Isn't that just encouraging bad behavior, like Dark Anchor Achievement farming?