A lot of people are excited by this but many others are saying sure we can do a lot of things differently but what is there that is new to do?
By comparason I want to look at some of the other updates and saw what they brought. I will not be counting bug fixes and minor tweaks as they should not count as part of an update, they should be the things that are fixed in regular maintanance.
Level 50 Characters
Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf