Player and Guild Storage idea once Justice system is done

So after perusing through the forums often the storage space available to players and so forth has really become a point of contention in regards to its limitations. Most games that limit player storage also have in game elements such as houses, guild halls, and options with chests and other furniture that allow players to store all manner of items. This of course allows players to enjoy collections and such as a in game character dynamic that differentiates them from other players besides a sense of reward that comes from gathering so many fine goodies. So far I to have run into the storage limitations and can see the problems here that are developing the longer the game is out and players have time to gather more goods. I also see the developers points as to why it's so limited. They want to protect the economy from the saturation of goods thereby driving prices down and increasing inflation. They want players to sell goods to vendors to help limit the scope of items in circulation in game. Also there is a storyline aspect as well where developers feel it's unreasonable to think unlimited storage or anything close to that is viable for the world they are creating. Well that's when the wheels of ideas start to turn and here is mine.

What if players houses and such were implemented after the justice system along with Guild hall, Tower, or Castle's for guilds that allow player placement of storage equipment including chests and furniture. Along with this players are able to set wards, locks, and guards all at a cost. Once the storage is placed though they are now vulnerable to theft by any foolish thief or group of thieves brave enough to venture such traps or guards in order to make away with such valuable goodies. Those said thieves could then sell said goods only to very nefarious merchants who would dare deal with goods from a suspect origin. Just imagine the in game comings and goings or ambiance with such elements in place especially as guilds are robbed by other guilds. Players now get the storage they desire. They also have control over the storage. However now the designers have the ability to see there are limitations to the wealth of goods out there. All said goods could only be bought and sold at specific merchants if they were acquired in such a criminal activity. you might even see thieves guilds suddenly appear orchestrating said activities. Bounty's could be placed on thieves dead or alive. The possibilities are endless as is the in game richness it could bring. There are of course always the safe vaults currently guarded in the cities where thieves would not dare to venture so the players would have recourse on such valuable treasures they would not dare part with. Just some ideas of course to a vexing problem.
Edited by mandragor1996 on December 4, 2014 10:17PM
  • Cuyler
    Well I give ya kudos for imagination :smile:

    I personally wouldn't want to have to stand guard at my home all day just to protect a couple of rare fish. As well as any form of a player "robbing" another player seems like it could open up a whole world of grieving.
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • mandragor1996
    Well remember as long as the city bank vaults are maintained as the secure storage that they are then the player placed storage is strictly voluntary. Players know the risks if they use the storage. Also the point of this is to maintain goods that would normally be vendor-ed or sold because the players are out of space in the said secure vaults in the city. If people are ok with PVP then I dont see how this is really that different in the philosophy aspect as long as there is a system of retribution in place ie bounties and such.
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