provisoning was the thirst skill line that i got 50, and i use for short time, becouse i realized my 16 skill points in it, is an ugly tales.
- the biggest buff you may have, but you don't really need to cook to enjoy it (buy stock at the guild store and thanks of those are still coocking)
- provisoning made like a lottery is a very bad thing (i go to the market to buy my food)
- stuck your inventory and bank space permanently (if you are going to craft, off course)
- transform your character in a loot barrel bagman ( where ended the harvesting in eso? )
- you can buy from guild store the best food you may use for a chip price
- buy ingredient at the guild store is more expencive than buy the consumable.
- skill points to be efficient: 22, at least 13 if you dont use drink (if you think all this skill points are well spent, when you can easily buy for a bunch of gold the best, then cooking is for you)
conclusion: provisoning at this point is like fishing, may be at the end of the game it will be the only things remain to do, if you don't like pvp
suggestion: a
harvesting like skyrim is a must, so at the end of the game you will know exactly where to get all your ingredient. this is the only way i could go back into provisoning coocking.