I have only 2 guilds in eso wich I'm officer / GM of. Reason I use 2 guilds is because one has main focus on pve content and one have main focus on trading. If you running a pve/pvp guild you shouldnt really have to kick inactive players since they may come back in 1-2months and most of these are your friends. Try to always recrute more people for your pve/pvp guild if there is alot of inactivity.
But if you are running a trade guild you wanna set a limit of days for how long people can stay offline without talking to you. Like myself I own a trading guild wich happen to be one of the most sucessfull trading guild on EU-megaserver because it is so active and have 500/500 members with 95% of the member with less than 3days offline. Reason behinde the sucess? It is because it says in the guild message that inacivte people get removed if they don't play for 10days unless they mail me / write a note about it. Then they got 30days on logging in again since thats when there items expire from the guild store. If I have to kick them they are all welcome to come back to the guild once they log on again.
Am I a bad person for kicking inactive players from the trading guild? No, because if I don't remove inactive players everyone think I'm a bad person for not managing the guild at start flamming me.
Keep in mind that to be a guildmaster require alot of effort, atleast if you are running a trading guild since you have to log into the game every single day and remove inactive players and bid on trader once a week. So if your not planing to stick around for eso a while, I woulndt recomend starting one
Divad Zarn wrote: »Seems like Winch copied my discipline rules for trading before u wasn't playing Meda jk, also you forgot to add, that GM doesn't receive any money from trading guild (as many expecting when creating trading guild, like want to become rich), so @Pahlehvahn if you want successful trading guild and expect to become rich with it, forget it till you keep your reputation clear
xMovingTarget wrote: »Divad always buys argonian girls + skooma from guild money. and he doesnt share =(
Hmm, i am GM or officer in every guild i am in. Just not in yours meda =( cry out loud. Kidding, i dont care :P
Divad Zarn wrote: »Seems like Winch copied my discipline rules for trading before u wasn't playing Meda jk, also you forgot to add, that GM doesn't receive any money from trading guild (as many expecting when creating trading guild, like want to become rich), so @Pahlehvahn if you want successful trading guild and expect to become rich with it, forget it till you keep your reputation clear
Haha yeah true, I think I donated a total of 1,5mil to the guild at one point when the times were hard and had to pay for trader. And I never withdraw any gold from the guild bank unless I really have to, if I do then I donate all the gold back a few days later + 25% extra. So I'm actually losing lots of money from owning a trading guild!
Reason to not take gold from the guild? Then people will start giving your guild bad reputation and leave, wich will end up that ur guild become very inactive and all your best costumers will leave. Your goal is to get 500 loyal members in your trading guild wich is active and sell loot only in your guild
Why did I create a trading guild in the firstplace if I lose money on it? Because there was no other active trading guild on my faction, so I decided to create a multi faction guild wich opened a trading link between all 3 factions. Now I don't have any problems with selling items anymore so it was all worth it
Pahlehvahn wrote: ».. what should I do to make sure my guild is more active??