Sorcs Ball of lightening broken

hey guys first of all i just want to confirm if any other sorcs are having the same issue. i have been using ball of lightening for about 4 days which is awsome i was always using streak before but i have come to the conclusion along with a few other sorcs across other factions have decided it is broke.

it says it absorbs incoming projectiles for 6.5 secs fair enough but heres the catch it doesnt do it all the time. Many a times i have been knocked down by crystal frag when i have already blinked say 5 times so that means there is 5 lots of balls he can hit and it still knocks me down.

i have noticed on my death recaps sometimes again i am blinking more then 1x and im being hit by swallow soul yet another projectile.

So please ZOS do not tell me its working as intended because its not. If u are a sorc and have had this problem please speak here.

thanks all for reading much <3
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  • Pyatra
    hey guys first of all i just want to confirm if any other sorcs are having the same issue. i have been using ball of lightening for about 4 days which is awsome i was always using streak before but i have come to the conclusion along with a few other sorcs across other factions have decided it is broke.

    it says it absorbs incoming projectiles for 6.5 secs fair enough but heres the catch it doesnt do it all the time. Many a times i have been knocked down by crystal frag when i have already blinked say 5 times so that means there is 5 lots of balls he can hit and it still knocks me down.

    i have noticed on my death recaps sometimes again i am blinking more then 1x and im being hit by swallow soul yet another projectile.

    So please ZOS do not tell me its working as intended because its not. If u are a sorc and have had this problem please speak here.

    thanks all for reading much <3

    Yeah, been broken for a while but not speccing back in if they fix it until people use less bows in PVP.
  • Gorthax
    reflective scales seems to work perfectly for NON projectiles lol reflects those :P only one class can reflect BOTH projectiles and NON projectiles. Sorry us sorcs got screwed over, but DK are obviously ZoS favorite since any other element but fire is is weak sauce
    Edited by Gorthax on November 26, 2014 5:51PM
  • Cathexis

    Just wondering if you are aware that it only absorbs projectiles near the ball. It also only absorbs only spell projectiles.

    Personally I think BE is way better, you get an AOE stun.
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  • RinaldoGandolphi
    BOL seems to work for me, I notice CF and such never hit me anymore with it. I had used streak for the longest time. I'm still considering if BOL is worth it, as I do miss the damage and forward stun of streak. However BOL gives you an advantage over other casters though. Tough call
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