Speaking from a resto staff perspective, I don't seem to get much magicka back during PvP as compared to PvE when I use Heavy Attack. I feel like I'm just holding down the left mouse button in preparation for something better to do (waiting for someone's health to drop/a stray player to make an easy target so I can switch to my 2H and rush them). Are you losing a lot of health from heavy attacks?
I don't really see squashing someone's resources as a viable form of PvP domination. For my build, I use both magicka and stamina abilities so if I was OOM I would just switch to stamina abilities until my magicka recovery kicked in. So what's the purpose of this post?
because if someone uses a resto heavy attack at point blank, they should pay for it.
its a ranged weapon, not a close up weapon(or should not be)
at least it does not do a lot of damage
Resto heavy attack is interruptable, as is Lightning heavy attack.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
It wasn't last time I checked. You couldn't bash or crushing shock someone out of it. You could stop them by hard CC'ing them though, like Invasion or Fear
Resto heavy attack is interruptable, as is Lightning heavy attack.
Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »
ever since 1.5 all heavy attacks from all weapons are uninterruptable. Bug? I hope.
I fought a crap Nightblade for hours! Didn't have enough burst to finally kill him. That Noob just spammed heavy attacks and shields! If this is intended i have to say good bye. This is not PvP for me.
But i guess it's just another game breaking bug they put in.
Every patch they do i am willing to bet real money that they put in gamebreaking bugs again.
I'll be rich soon.
it is pretty lame of a mechanic. i too have encountered this lame crap. this is why this issue needs to be fixed ASAP. a resto staff should not be as powerful in combat as it is now due to its heavies being uninterruptable. Block and casting is bad enough. lol
You are not supposed to break-free from heavy attack. Its not a cc to break free from, its attack and attacks are to be interrupted. To be honest never thought about breaking-free from heavy attacks as I did not find logic in it, but if you were able to do so far than it was a bug that is now fixed. Also, if you interrupt them that don't means you are locking that ability, it can be casted again right away. Its same for heavy attacks from all weapons.
Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »
ever since 1.5 all heavy attacks from all weapons are uninterruptable. Bug? I hope.
ThatHappyCat wrote: »
You do know that right click > left click is also the default keybind for bashing right?
Also as far as I know, one handed, two handed, dual wield, and bow heavy attacks can't be interrupted, if they can be, my crushing shock spam has never done it...why should they be interruptible...they are not abilities with cast times...only abilities that use magic ir stamina with a cast time are interruptible....thats the game working as intended according to the skill and game tutorial descriptions that describe how to use interupt when escaping coldharbor in the tutorial.
it has nothing to do with the fact it returns magic.... it has to do with the fact that it can no longer be interrupted, which it should be interruptable.Destro staffs are supposed to return magicka on heavy attacks, they outright horrible outside of crushing shock and impulse prior to this.
I have been interrupted when using a lighting staff heavy attack, I pick and choose my times to use it for that reason. The magic return makes them viable, but they restore much less magic in pvp then they do in pve.
Those who are maintaining shields are using tripots in conjunction and those are 10k a stack and are not cheap. Its a significant investment.
People are spamming shields because of bows that are hardcore op now. You have 2 choices to counter bows:
1. You run impentrable armor, radiant magelight, and purge.
2. You spam staff heavy attacks and stack shields maintain with staff heavy attacks and tripots.
It is what it is, the fact bow users are complaining when snipe has a 36 meter range which outranges all other skills is kind of ironic.
Staffs overall don't do much damage on their own...zeni giving them a small mama return on heavy attacks actually made them a decent weapon outside of their 2 skills that are any good in pvp.
Also remember, when doing channel attacks the staff users movement is hindered big time, there are dusadvantages to it too like anything else. There is two sides of every coin.
This is not true. As stated above heavy attacks can still be interrupted, but you made me laugh saying how resto staff heavy attack is overpowered. You even stated in your own post above how it does not do a lot of damage, but in your wisdom its still somehow overpowered...
"because if someone uses a resto heavy attack at point blank, they should pay for it. its a ranged weapon, not a close up weapon(or should not be)
at least it does not do a lot of damage"
It would be overpowered in case it does ton of damage and return two tons of magicka, but neither of those are true. You are saying how its a range weapon at point blank and people should "pay for it" while at the same time you pew pew people with bow in 2 seconds, miles away from it and still dont find anything overpowered in that? lol. On top of that you can clearly see when someone use resto heavy on you and from which direction, and that can't be said for arrows most of the time.
From OP...
"Heavy attacks from staves are unstoppable atm.
I can't (right click, left click) them."
You are not supposed to break-free from heavy attack. Its not a cc to break free from, its attack and attacks are to be interrupted. To be honest never thought about breaking-free from heavy attacks as I did not find logic in it, but if you were able to do so far than it was a bug that is now fixed. Also, if you interrupt them that don't means you are locking that ability, it can be casted again right away. Its same for heavy attacks from all weapons.
SuraklinPrime wrote: »LOL - lets interpret...
I can't block heavy resto with my flappy spam and I am cry cry...
interpret again°!
PvP right now can be heavy attack followed by shield for infinity!
Have fun killing such opponents.
I am cry cry due to the issues that u simply cant kill people anymore that know how to spam resto heavy attack and shield as long as they wish. Enemy simply runs out of ressources or does the same which would lead to an infinite fight or u are simply a highburst class and wait for a huge mistake from the enemy.
Average combat time in 1v1 sitation: forever!
If thats no reason to be angry....
resto heavies CANT be interrupted.... not at all these days; why dont you actually play the PvP and test it before lying on the forums.
i said they were OP NOT because of the damage.... heck no. but now that they cant be interrupted, someone can keep on getting quick magicka returned via heavies, and can prolong a fight to ridiculous proportions. if they were interrputable, of course it would not be ridiculous. but as it stands, nowadays they are not interruptable.
Joy_Division wrote: »Wait, what? You have difficulty killing someone who is using a heavy attack?
I shouldn't have to explain this...
Heavy attack means:
1 - they aren't blocking. Knock them on their ass (defense shield does not stop this).
2 - they aren't using a high damage/CC attack that you have to worry about. your options for attack are too numerous to list.
3 - they have prioritized resource recovery over defense. an opponent not actively defending is vulnerable to your strongest skills and is easily susceptible to a lethal combo.
and you really think i "pew pew" people miles away in 2 seconds with my bow..... let me tell you, i dont. most people simply CC break my stealth attacks, roll, self heal, and force me to get out my melee weapons. i, in NO way, do "pew pew people miles away in 2 seconds" it is not an OP playstale, it is EASILY beatable, iv done so MANY times. find another way to justify this.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Wait, what? You have difficulty killing someone who is using a heavy attack?
I shouldn't have to explain this...
Heavy attack means:
1 - they aren't blocking. Knock them on their ass (defense shield does not stop this).
2 - they aren't using a high damage/CC attack that you have to worry about. your options for attack are too numerous to list.
3 - they have prioritized resource recovery over defense. an opponent not actively defending is vulnerable to your strongest skills and is easily susceptible to a lethal combo.