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This is a great youtube post to consider.


I'm curious as to what people think of this post. It's pretty genuine and opinion free, it lets you make up your own mind.
Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
Brunack, EP DK PC NA
General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • kevlarto_ESO
    This is such a loaded question, it's all personal opinion, for me I have never left the game and have no plans to, I have played far worse games and much better games. I understand new games go through problems for the first year, balance passes bug fixes, all apart of online gaming with any game. I watched some of the video and yea sure I agree with some points, something's he was just a little nit picky on.

    Am I completely happy with the game and how ZOS has handled things, heck no, but I know they will it fixed there is no magic wand to wave and poof everything will be peachy. I look around at the market and for me in my personal opinion, there is no other game out there that offers me the game play I want. So I am here for the long haul and the growing pains, I have played mmo's since the 90's, I have seen all this before and most all of those games are still online.
  • JaJaLuka
    I recommend finishing the video, overall he gives a pretty good overview and a positive spin on the future of the game. I too will probably be staying for a while yet if they live up to their promises and come out with these updates for the remaining content.
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • yodased
    at 28:17 he says basically the only thing needed to be said:

    "So, is ESO Worth coming back to? Thats really up to you and why you may have left."
    Edited by yodased on November 18, 2014 1:07PM
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • TheBull
    A little old, and much to long.
  • Audigy
    I never un-subbed as I like to support companies that have good ideas and ESO is one of the best MMOs I played since 2003 Vanilla WOW.

    I like the lore, that we don't have to grind dungeons, that the crafting is valuable ... its all fun and the lack of housing is ok for now but I expect it to come in 2015 as a priority project.

    Still, I might unsub over Christmas for one simple reason, the performance on high end systems.

    If you play other MMOs then you see a smooth gameplay at 60FPS at all times, ESO however drops all the time to 30 and less and its just annoying especially if you see the difference to other current released MMOs. If you then consider that many people would actually be happy to have those 30 since they drop even further then you know how urgent that issue is.

    I did hope they would address this one day but they don't even talk about these issues, like they wouldn't exist and this makes me a bit mad.

    For me no game has to be bug free or perfectly balanced or without downtimes or whatever went wrong in the past months but the performance must get fixed ASAP and this ZO doesn't do. It so reminds me of Warhammer, they also ignored it and the result was the game shut down - I don't want ESO to end like this but right now my positive opinion is fading more every week without an announcement of proper quad core support and increased FPS in crowded areas like cities or pvp.

    So as for the video,

    I like he is a musician, we peeps are always very passionate about stuff and this you see in his way of describing ESO. That said, for me its really not a big problem what he mentions, its to be expected and these "100 of problems" are nothing that would drive me away from the game.

    Its all about the performance and whenever I log on and see my FPS drop to 30 I just don't want to play further :(

    Game is still great but this Warhammer was as well on paper.
  • bellanca6561n
    Was in a packed TS last night on the EU server, everyone an experienced gamer, everyone has played all the MMOs that have defined the genre in this century.

    All have been here from day 1. All were candid about the ups and downs the game has been through. All were almost giddy when discussing their love for this game and the future potential they see following update 5.

    Regarding folks who leave, return, leave and return, not much interest in that subject. It was best said by one fellow who remarked, "And they were expecting WHAT for their 30p a day?"

    Is it safe for them to risk their 30p/day a second time? Real tough decision, that ;)
  • Messy1
    Just curious is ESO more popular in Europe? I have this strange feeling that it is, but anyway, I love the game and am here to stay. Changes are to be expected and so far the most of the changes have helped to enhance and stabilize the game. (Of course I would like the enhanced benefit and features for high-end systems as this is what I have).
  • teladoy
    I know this youtuber, I follow him and I know this guy always do the same videos:

    Is ESO worth coming back to?
    Why I'm Back Into World Of Warcraft
    ArcheAge - Worth Playing?
    ESO Insider - I'M BACK!!! New Content & Features

    One day he do a video about any mmo, ESO in this case, saying all the great things and the next one, he do another one where he discuss the reasons why he leave it. Then he starts to play another mmo and the same.

    This gives the wrong idea to the people that if a game has good today then you play it, but if tomorrow something happens, then can you just reject like nothing.

    There is no perfect mmo and I believe, it is important to be loyal in the good and in the bad times, if you really like the game, and if your not just a f**** opportunistic.

    Yes, he is very objetive in his videos and he speak very good, but he don't really give a **** for any mmo and behind every mmo there is people working hard, because it was their dream programming to do an amazing game, between of course without forget the people that only wants to do money.

    I like his videos, but I can not take him serious, he is not very clear about himself and give me the impression that he hide or obviate information to just get to his goal, which is to confuse and get followers.
    Edited by teladoy on November 18, 2014 1:44PM
  • Murmeltier
    Was in a packed TS last night on the EU server, everyone an experienced gamer, everyone has played all the MMOs that have defined the genre in this century.

    All have been here from day 1. All were candid about the ups and downs the game has been through. All were almost giddy when discussing their love for this game and the future potential they see following update 5.

    Regarding folks who leave, return, leave and return, not much interest in that subject. It was best said by one fellow who remarked, "And they were expecting WHAT for their 30p a day?"

    Is it safe for them to risk their 30p/day a second time? Real tough decision, that ;)

    Right, this hits a good Point.

    For the first, i have been here from the Start too, as i hear about what this Youtuber talking i thought *WHAT?*, which Game do you talk about? Some of his "Details" sounds like *Oh Boy, i am really frustrated because i die too often*, but he says *Combat Responsive* to that.

    However, this isnt really important, his Line of Sight and thats ok for me. But the other Thing is really, really boring.

    The Neverending Story from Players that leaves Games, if something other appears on the Market and say:* Hey Man, the Game is sooo bugged, it isnt worth to play it anymore*.

    This People goes to other Games, and say their Line of Sight, mostly negative about the Game they have left. And then the new Game is boring too and they switch back, like a Rockstar on Drugs and shout:* Look at me, Roy is here and with me the Glory comes back. Now we can all be a big and happy Community.

    Here i should ask, how long you stay Mr Unloyal, or better why should i be happy over this. The real Community from Teso, the Players who loves the Game more than hating the Bugs, stayed here. We have supported the Game with our Money and Time.

    The Devs work really hard, offer a lot of Updates every 6 Weeks and listen to the Players, who test and support the Game. This Players are the real Voice of Teso, not a Gamer who changes his Direction like a Trollwind in Stormhaven.

    So if you want to leave, thats ok for me, if you want to stay thats ok for me too, but dont say *Is Teso worth coming Back to* because you dont know it really and done nothing for this Game, with your changing.

    Edited by Murmeltier on November 18, 2014 3:43PM
  • OrangeTheCat
    Why should I watch some YouTuber talk about his opinion. I am fully capable of forming my own.
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