Tbh, I don't really like this idea. While ESO rng hates me(on my very first vet pledge I got Engine Guardian Epaulets...after that I ran vet DC about 10-15 times in hopes of getting the helm, but my hopes were in vain. It seems everyone has gotten that helm by now BUT me. I've run every single vet dungeon several times since 1.5 and I still have 0 heads), I kind of like the idea of gear being exclusive to players who can beat the newly challenging content. It has special looks, special cool effects and it's even more special because you can't just go and buy it. If anyone could just save 99999 g and go buy it, that'd kinda destroy the idea.ThatHappyCat wrote: »With regards to getting the gear you want, my thought is: don't make things bound on pickup. Let us trade everything.
ThatHappyCat wrote: »With regards to getting the gear you want, my thought is: don't make things bound on pickup. Let us trade everything.
timidobserver wrote: »1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
timidobserver wrote: »1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
This ^
10 gold keys and Zero shoulders. Makes me hate the dailies and the game
SlayerSyrena wrote: »Just a quick question. Has anyone else gotten better gear from the bronze chest than the silver? Both times I opened bronze I got a piece of one of the Undaunted armor sets.
Silver just gives me random (non-set) green or blue items ...
DDO does this for raids. They realize that you can do raids every day and it's possible you'd never get the loot you want. Every time you complete a 20th run of a given raid you are given a list of rewards of around 10 items that drop in that raid to choose 1 from. It's a good system.timidobserver wrote: »The good:
Things that can be improved and suggestions:
1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
I get the impression that you don’t want to do a token system just because it is so mainstream, so the alternative is what I will call a milestone system. The player gets a large selections of gear after every x dailies or x undaunted experience. They are able to pick one from the large selection they are given. So for example, the players gets to choose between 8 or 9 shoulders of different material(light, medium, heavy) every X dailies completed or every X amount of undaunted reputation earned.
timidobserver wrote: »ThatHappyCat wrote: »With regards to getting the gear you want, my thought is: don't make things bound on pickup. Let us trade everything.
No because the market will be flooded with it in a day and there will again be no reason to do the dungeons. I am fine with just adding some kind of expanded reward selection after you have done your dailies for while.
Without creating any new content or zones or expending a ton of resources, you significantly increased the actively played content in the game. Suddenly a bunch of obsolete dungeons are now viable for the entire player base including endgame players.
Hortator Mopa wrote: »
I only ever do gold key chests. The other stuff is rubbish.
Agree with all the OP suggestions, and also- stop adding useless sets. The undaunted sets are so, so lame.
Agree with all the OP suggestions, and also- stop adding useless sets. The undaunted sets are so, so lame.
I keep hearing people say that they are OP, but I don't really see it myself. Usable, sure (although I won't wear them I think), but OP is quite the stretch unless I am not being imaginative enough.
Or maybe they are talking about the CoA sets?
rophez_ESO wrote: »DDO does this for raids. They realize that you can do raids every day and it's possible you'd never get the gear you want. Every time you complete a 20th run of a given raid you are given a list of rewards of around 10 items that drop in that raid to choose 1 from. It's a good system.timidobserver wrote: »The good:
Things that can be improved and suggestions:
1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
I get the impression that you don’t want to do a token system just because it is so mainstream, so the alternative is what I will call a milestone system. The player gets a large selections of gear after every x dailies or x undaunted experience. They are able to pick one from the large selection they are given. So for example, the players gets to choose between 8 or 9 shoulders of different material(light, medium, heavy) every X dailies completed or every X amount of undaunted reputation earned.
The drops are random. As far as I understand, when you open a green, blue OR purple chest you have a chance of getting a random (trash) piece or a set piece. The only thing that seems to differ is the quality of the items(green in bronze, blue in silver, purple in gold). Well, and gold chests are the only one that can RARELY give you shoulders.SlayerSyrena wrote: »Just a quick question. Has anyone else gotten better gear from the bronze chest than the silver? Both times I opened bronze I got a piece of one of the Undaunted armor sets.
Silver just gives me random (non-set) green or blue items ...
rophez_ESO wrote: »DDO does this for raids. They realize that you can do raids every day and it's possible you'd never get the gear you want. Every time you complete a 20th run of a given raid you are given a list of rewards of around 10 items that drop in that raid to choose 1 from. It's a good system.
I thought I would revive this thread because I had a few things I would like to complain about concerning the pledges and grouping in general. First off, I have two characters that I mainly play. A V4 DPS Sorc, and a V12 DK Tank. The Sorc I run around with as a group of four family members and we are doing the dailies when we can get together (2 on East coast, 2 on West coast).
Yesterday, I tried to do a PUG with my V12 DK Tank since he is my solo character that I run around with and that was a total failure. I spent almost an hour spamming zone chat trying to find a group to join up with just to do the daily pledge. I felt like a panhandler standing on the street corner holding up a sign "Will Tank For Pledge". The LFG tool is a total joke and doesn't work at all. Finally, I gave up and went to grind Spellscar since there was nothing else for my Gold completed solo DK to do. I haven't done any questing in Craglorn, but as I understand it, setting up same level groups there is even harder.
So here comes 1.6 with their CP system. Some of us are having a hard time grouping for pledges, having a hard time grouping for Craglorn, and can only do boring grinds to get champion points? GET THE PICTURE ZOS, @ZOS_GinaBruno? PLEASE, do a major overhaul of the grouping tools. If you want us to group, at least make it as painless as possible for us to do so.
timidobserver wrote: »1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
This ^
10 gold keys and Zero shoulders. Makes me hate the dailies and the game
timidobserver wrote: »1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
This ^
10 gold keys and Zero shoulders. Makes me hate the dailies and the game
I've had my eyes on the Engine Guardian's Shoulders since the update, until now i have 3 different Valkyn Skoria ones, 4 different Bloodspawn ones a ton of Malubeth's and Nerieneth's but i have never seen a fart of the Engine Guardian
I think I'm about 25-30 gold keys in and I have one shoulder, and its not one I can use. It's getting discouraging, especially given that the Undaunted armor sets seem so situational. I have a full set of Bastion armor and I've never seen the damage shield proc.timidobserver wrote: »1. As many other MMOs have learned, open-ended rewards that the player could potentially never get are a bad thing. As it stands, a player could do their daily every single day for five years and technically never get the item they are seeking. Statistically this is unlikely, but it does have a small chance of happening.
This ^
10 gold keys and Zero shoulders. Makes me hate the dailies and the game