Obviously, these aren't all the issues existing at this time, but those I consider having the most ramification and impact on gameplay and/or those I have concrete solutions to offer.
I am not going to mention lag or bugs, as these are technical rather than design.
I'm going to stay on stuff that work "as intended" but should be improved.
Now that the intro is done, on to the list:
Population imbalance, guesting and buff campaigns:
This is by far the most destructive issue currently.
At its core, it's due to the lack of incentive to fight back when losing and the lack of incentives to fight at all when wining.
My suggestion is in this separate thread.
In short, it is to give Ap/Xp gains buffs when losing and fighting the wining side combined with buffs only offered when "active" and having contributed to the fight.
Please read on for more details.
The aoe target cap and the "stacking" it causes:
This has been a core issue for months now, and it doesn't need any more explaining. It simply needs to be gone.
A solution is being considered by the devs, but it cannot come soon enough.
It seems a lot like we're getting a soft cap implemented instead of a hard cap, but we'll see how it turns out.
My personal solution would have been to uncap all the 6 targets abilities, both damage and healing ones. With the current resource costs, radius and damage calculation, it will be fine.
And in case one or two abilities act up, they can be balanced on a case by case basis with interesting lore friendly mechanics.
Forward camps and spicing up travel time:
Not so much an issue, but more of a hot topic.
Removing forward camps was the right move. It has improved the game greatly and no forms of camps should ever return.
Those that are stockpiled should be destroyed and their Ap reimbursed.
Any form of instant travel outside of the transitus network is detrimental to AvA.
However, we could have forms of fast travels that would complement the structure of the game.
For instance:
- faster travel speed on roads that would also serve as a soft choke point.
- relays/inns on roads or in the npc towns where you can feed your horse to have a temporary speed buff to serve as side objectives that aren't keeps and give stuff for smaller forces to do.
- some alternate wooden bridges that can be built/destroyed by anyone to cut travel times and avoid the stone bridges, but costs AP to maintain.
All of which add depth and alternatives to the game without removing the possibility of emergent gameplay.
Armor balance, immovable and gear commitment:
I find the undaunted passive interesting albeit a bit weird. Buffing people for wearing the three kind of armors at the same time is strange.
The same way it is a bit weird that the armor actives can be cast without even wearing one piece of that armor, but I understand why.
They wanted to let us chose and perhaps have a bit of all and "play as we want".
The usual suggestion is to have active abilities being unlocked only when wearing 5 pieces of the armor.
A more complex change but perhaps remaining true to the original idea: You get exponential bonuses instead of linear with secondary effects starting at 5 pieces.
The max bonus is buffed to reward specialisation even more.
For instance with Immovable:
- the cc immunity is the secondary effect to the armor/spell pen increase and starts at 5 parts minimum.
- the damage increase of Immovable brute morph is:
0.5% - 1% - 3% - 6% - 10% - 15% - 21%
- the duration increase of Unstopable morph is:
1% - 2% - 4% - 8% - 16% - 32% - 64%
This way, wearing an entire set get's a real use out of the active abilities, but you can still mix and match effects at a lower efficiency.
Similar effects could be apply to more passives too.
Revives and soul gems:
I commend the fact that you listenned and implemented soul gems for AP very quickly. It is good to be able to buy them with the resource earned in PvP and as others have calculated in various threads, the price is right so as to no not wreck the gold based economy.
However, people still don't use it outside of their close group of friends and we see solo players getting ignored quite often.
A solution would be to give a very decent amount of XP for reviving someone:
- It would reinforce the Ap/gold sink aspect of this mechanic
- Solo/lower level players would get a better experience
- There would be a better sense of camaraderie faction wide rather than only groups
Of course, the revive xp bonus should only be awarded on PvP death, not Npc kills, and a malus based on the duration since last death should occur to prevent farming.
Thanks for reading.