Shades, fear, AOE damage, finish with a melee (not projectile) execute
easy peasy
You'll have to change your build. DKs are the most powerful class in the game and have been since launch. Just wait when (if) they get nerfed. You imagine the QQ threads that will pop up if DK isn't on top of DPS and Tanking? That is all it will be on the forum.
You'll have to change your build. DKs are the most powerful class in the game and have been since launch. Just wait when (if) they get nerfed. You imagine the QQ threads that will pop up if DK isn't on top of DPS and Tanking? That is all it will be on the forum.
But then you have to slot shades.Shades, fear, AOE damage, finish with a melee (not projectile) execute
easy peasy
SienneYviete wrote: »Fear conquers all..... no seriously of all the skills in the game I hate fear the most, drop that block casting = win
Seriously though why did they nerf sneak attack damage. That really was an unnecessary nerf to NB's. If they nerfed fire damage by the amount they just nerfed sneak damage there would be all hell breaking loose. But since there r only a small % of pvp nb's left due to us being so underpowered we cant make as much noise.
Please please dont tell him fear is the cure, if dk has immovable hes just wasted tons of magica and is now at close range about to die. If he doesnt have immovable on, well, they Haven,t fixed blocking whilst feared yet so...... wtf's the point!.
I beat dk's all the time. Shades + sword and board yourself. Force him to keep reflect up that's great. It costs more to cast than swallow soul and will lower his magica so he cant cast GDB so many times when the time comes. Ult charged ambush ult swallow soul. No damage done - ok he still has stamina back off repeat your in for the long haul. But nb's have siphoning strikes:) - so actually we do the longhaul best.
Suntzu1414 wrote: »Nice finisher for DK's is Soul Tether.
DK Blocking got you down, give Cripple a go...
(though i still have figure how Siphon -- which pulls energy--is projectile)??
Kill Well
Suntzu1414 wrote: »Nice finisher for DK's is Soul Tether.
DK Blocking got you down, give Cripple a go...
(though i still have figure how Siphon -- which pulls energy--is projectile)??
Kill Well