I have downloaded a few addons that can tell me that I have a certain # of quests left in a zone but I couldn't find one that would tell me which quests I am missing.
I am trying to get the achievement in Rivenspire and I am aware that I have 8 available quests left (I only need 3 more). How can I find out where these quests are or the name of them?
I have ridden my horse around every single area in Rivenspire and can find nothing.
There is a very simple (not an insult) addon called QuestLurker and I see the code that pulls the number of quests I have left but is there a Lib or API I can use to find out the names of these quests? or where they are?
I don't want to spend another night running around (I have don two FULLL runs so far) a low level area trying to find 2 more quests to finish this achievement :-)
Thanks to anyone who replies.
I have no clue how to figure this out - I mapped out the entire map and run across every area I can reach.