I recently made a thread regarding world bosses being a random spawn within Cyrodiil that could deploy ANYWHERE within the zone powerful raid monsters that will take up to 20+ people to kill with an extreme amount of HP. Achievements for different bosses, Titles and maybe Dye colours and possibly rare loot or armour sets. Locations of where it was spotted last would be shouted out across the entire zone and the race is on! People and different alliances fighting or interrupting in groups trying to take down the world boss. something like this being put into the game would attract competitive guilds. Who can down it first, maybe using as fewer players as possible etc...A vast amount of XP given for killing it to help those still leveling characters. Re-spawns couldn't be fast obviously and could be on a 6 hour loop or longer so people appreciate it. There could be a number of different types of creatures/mobs.
but they have to be BIG! oh...and there health bar has to look UBER COOL!
Edited by Blinks on November 13, 2014 10:28PM ESO, "play your way", As long as its light armor and staff
v14 DK (Re-rolled to NB, because DK is easy-mode)
v12 Duel Wield Khajiit NightBlade (Re-rolled again to play ranged DPS) Snipe spam
Main v9 Bosmer NB Archer (Can't hit v14 due to ZOS screwing with XP)
Raid World bosses within Cyrodiil 26 votes
Don't Care

2 votes