I hope they never bring forward camps back in any capacity for as long as this game exists. I hate them and everything they stand for. Do-Overs are not for PVP.
I hope they never bring forward camps back in any capacity for as long as this game exists. I hate them and everything they stand for. Do-Overs are not for PVP.
Thechemicals wrote: »
Can't you still bloodport to keeps that are cut off but still able to be spawned at?
OrangeTheCat wrote: »And people will start putting stam on their horses again.
I got it!
Different Campaignrules: A special campaign where there are no camps allowed. Then the tryhards can go there and the ones who liked camps can join the campaign with camps and nobody has to listen to any call of duty-comments.
That's what you'd call a compromise
LonePirate wrote: »If you prefer small scale skirmishes or ganking, then you probably prefer the removal of forward camps.
If you prefer epic keep sieges that could last for hours, then you probably prefer having forward camps.
There is no denying that the removal of camps has pretty much put an end to sieges that last more than 10-15 minutes.
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
Thechemicals wrote: »I dont prefer ganking over keep seiging. Just enjoy having accomplished something when you win a fight instead of having the entire raid you wiped return record time to repeat the same process. Its dumb and lacks any penalty. Even fps games respawn you far enough from where you died that you dont become a nuisance. In this game you could literally resurrect 5-10 meters from where someone had just wrecked you.
Thechemicals wrote: »I dont prefer ganking over keep seiging. Just enjoy having accomplished something when you win a fight instead of having the entire raid you wiped return record time to repeat the same process. Its dumb and lacks any penalty. Even fps games respawn you far enough from where you died that you dont become a nuisance. In this game you could literally resurrect 5-10 meters from where someone had just wrecked you.
if you leave a camp un touched 5-10 metres from where you killed a raid then you deserve to have them rez and kill you... heres a tactical bit of info for you KILL THE CAMP.
total removal of camps just rewards gankers. i wouldnt mind if getting shot off my horse left me with any chance to actually fight back but it doesnt. its just as bad as spawn camping imo. its the cheapest kills in the game. riding across the map to get to a fight only to have some muppet pop you from stealth off your horse for an insta gib , and force you to go back and ride all the way again just makes folk leave cyrodill tbh.
if they remove camps they should remove the need for soul gems to rez folk. both together is too punishing , and just rewards gankers.
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
I like the new pvp with no fcs but I agree with the negatives as well. I think a simple solution would be to raise the price and only allow people who died in the fc radius to respawn at it. It was too easy to u them to suicide travel but if you are set up during a siege or defense they certainly make it more enjoyable.
The thing I really like is how dying has consequences so people's play style has changed to become more defensive.