I agree sorc is lagging behind other classes and needs some loving. I want to help my fellow sorc brethren (regardless of alliance) so I donate the following build which has offered me much success in the past few days.
But its not just the build, you have to play it right. A lot of dps comes from light/heavy lightning staff attacks. DK reflect is an obvious counter to this build, with strong DKs I play keep away. It's very hard for me to kill them and very hard for them to kill me; just try to outlast with staff heavy attacks/streak and punish them every second they don't have wings up. If you can get them to ~50% absorption field followed by streaking and crushing shock spam can sometimes catch them off guard.
Offense: Immovable, Power Surge, Streak, Crushing Shock, Hardened Ward, Flawless Dawnbreaker--- Lightning staff with weighted
Defense/Support Cleanse, Rapid Regeneration, Streak, Healing Ward, Hardened Ward, Absorption Field---- Resto staff with defense
I go through a ton of potions (I take one almost every time I hit Immovable). Streak and Hardened Ward are on both bars because I like being able to cast both at all times. Roll dodge and block excessively, all while chugging stam/weapon power potions while keeping range with streak.
Crushing Shock/light attack and heavy attacks with surge up and occasional streaking is plenty of damage to kill most people (beware the DKs, sometimes you have to wait for them to die of old age, or drag them across the map to NPCs/friends). I like power surge for mag conservation and less casting/bar swapping.
I hope I can help another sorc in these dark times.
[Edit]: 7/7 light armor, 5/5 seducer, 3/5 ashen grip, 2/3 Grace of the Ancients, 41 Health 21 Mag, 2 weapon damage enchants on jewelry 1 mag cost reduction, Warrior Mundus
I agree sorc is lagging behind other classes and needs some loving. I want to help my fellow sorc brethren (regardless of alliance) so I donate the following build which has offered me much success in the past few days.
But its not just the build, you have to play it right. A lot of dps comes from light/heavy lightning staff attacks. DK reflect is an obvious counter to this build, with strong DKs I play keep away. It's very hard for me to kill them and very hard for them to kill me; just try to outlast with staff heavy attacks/streak and punish them every second they don't have wings up. If you can get them to ~50% absorption field followed by streaking and crushing shock spam can sometimes catch them off guard.
Offense: Immovable, Power Surge, Streak, Crushing Shock, Hardened Ward, Flawless Dawnbreaker--- Lightning staff with weighted
Defense/Support Cleanse, Rapid Regeneration, Streak, Healing Ward, Hardened Ward, Absorption Field---- Resto staff with defense
I go through a ton of potions (I take one almost every time I hit Immovable). Streak and Hardened Ward are on both bars because I like being able to cast both at all times. Roll dodge and block excessively, all while chugging stam/weapon power potions while keeping range with streak.
Crushing Shock/light attack and heavy attacks with surge up and occasional streaking is plenty of damage to kill most people (beware the DKs, sometimes you have to wait for them to die of old age, or drag them across the map to NPCs/friends). I like power surge for mag conservation and less casting/bar swapping.
I hope I can help another sorc in these dark times.
[Edit]: 7/7 light armor, 5/5 seducer, 3/5 ashen grip, 2/3 Grace of the Ancients, 41 Health 21 Mag, 2 weapon damage enchants on jewelry 1 mag cost reduction, Warrior Mundus
I already know you are going to get flak from the shield stacking thing, but a sorcs gotta do what a sorcs gotta do.
I agree sorc is lagging behind other classes and needs some loving. I want to help my fellow sorc brethren (regardless of alliance) so I donate the following build which has offered me much success in the past few days.
But its not just the build, you have to play it right. A lot of dps comes from light/heavy lightning staff attacks. DK reflect is an obvious counter to this build, with strong DKs I play keep away. It's very hard for me to kill them and very hard for them to kill me; just try to outlast with staff heavy attacks/streak and punish them every second they don't have wings up. If you can get them to ~50% absorption field followed by streaking and crushing shock spam can sometimes catch them off guard.
Offense: Immovable, Power Surge, Streak, Crushing Shock, Hardened Ward, Flawless Dawnbreaker--- Lightning staff with weighted
Defense/Support Cleanse, Rapid Regeneration, Streak, Healing Ward, Hardened Ward, Absorption Field---- Resto staff with defense
I go through a ton of potions (I take one almost every time I hit Immovable). Streak and Hardened Ward are on both bars because I like being able to cast both at all times. Roll dodge and block excessively, all while chugging stam/weapon power potions while keeping range with streak.
Crushing Shock/light attack and heavy attacks with surge up and occasional streaking is plenty of damage to kill most people (beware the DKs, sometimes you have to wait for them to die of old age, or drag them across the map to NPCs/friends). I like power surge for mag conservation and less casting/bar swapping.
I hope I can help another sorc in these dark times.
[Edit]: 7/7 light armor, 5/5 seducer, 3/5 ashen grip, 2/3 Grace of the Ancients, 41 Health 21 Mag, 2 weapon damage enchants on jewelry 1 mag cost reduction, Warrior Mundus
I agree sorc is lagging behind other classes and needs some loving. I want to help my fellow sorc brethren (regardless of alliance) so I donate the following build which has offered me much success in the past few days.
But its not just the build, you have to play it right. A lot of dps comes from light/heavy lightning staff attacks. DK reflect is an obvious counter to this build, with strong DKs I play keep away. It's very hard for me to kill them and very hard for them to kill me; just try to outlast with staff heavy attacks/streak and punish them every second they don't have wings up. If you can get them to ~50% absorption field followed by streaking and crushing shock spam can sometimes catch them off guard.
Offense: Immovable, Power Surge, Streak, Crushing Shock, Hardened Ward, Flawless Dawnbreaker--- Lightning staff with weighted
Defense/Support Cleanse, Rapid Regeneration, Streak, Healing Ward, Hardened Ward, Absorption Field---- Resto staff with defense
I go through a ton of potions (I take one almost every time I hit Immovable). Streak and Hardened Ward are on both bars because I like being able to cast both at all times. Roll dodge and block excessively, all while chugging stam/weapon power potions while keeping range with streak.
Crushing Shock/light attack and heavy attacks with surge up and occasional streaking is plenty of damage to kill most people (beware the DKs, sometimes you have to wait for them to die of old age, or drag them across the map to NPCs/friends). I like power surge for mag conservation and less casting/bar swapping.
I hope I can help another sorc in these dark times.
[Edit]: 7/7 light armor, 5/5 seducer, 3/5 ashen grip, 2/3 Grace of the Ancients, 41 Health 21 Mag, 2 weapon damage enchants on jewelry 1 mag cost reduction, Warrior Mundus
Interesting build but def not my cup of tea for play style. I actually have been reworking my current build and I am going to let you in on a little secret I discovered. Shattering Prison is a soft cc......I thought it was a hard cc (swear i heard that on a youtube clip)
That means that the burning talons BS that DK's do sorcs can do better and further away. If they roll dodge out of it the effect ends and still damages them for 300. Rinse repeat all while tactically applying damage to them. Once that stamina runs out, streak frag them to death. They are forced to be stuck in one position, take damage, or roll dodge out and waste that stamina.
Once that stamina has been consumed it is good game for them. Streak for a quick stun, proc frags, hit em repeat.
this is literally the only good thing sorcs have as casters in pvp lol
Bad sorcerers are bad, good sorcerers are awesome ballanced vs another good player, any class. Not easy like DK class.
Bad sorcerers are bad, good sorcerers are awesome ballanced vs another good player, any class. Not easy like DK class.
maybe it's right for PVP, but really subjectiv,
but for PVE Raid, with DPS (damage per second), a little more objectiv, Sorcerer are really weak, when you compare to other class, it's 25 % less damage than DK magicka, or 10-20 % less DPS than nightblade (magicka/stamina).
@yodased you should be able to play how you want, that's one of the fundamental features of elder scrolls. The entire spirit is about not cookie cutting, even if it is Xmas.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »I still don't get why every class has abilities that are borderline OP when spammed but sorcs are the only class in the game with an ability that punishes you for spamming it.
Spamming dragon blood/talons/flappy wings is just as powerful as spamming streak ever was. Same thing with blazing shield or sap essence.