AD has no clue about defending. Yet vs about 40 guys last night on Chillrend, my group of six (and I believe about 4 other guys grouped up, so 10 total) held blackboot from the emperor hoard for 3 hours.
Guaranteed first point of entry - Yellow will go straight to Sejanus.
I feel like the smart thing to do now, from an EP perspective, is to take Dragonclaw and give up all of our home keeps to DC as well.
It's the only logical counter to this 1337 strategy.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
WraithAzraiel wrote: »Oh you guys are so cool, with your internet winnings and your epeen waving. I hope I'm half as cool as you when I grow up.
WraithAzraiel wrote: »Oh you guys are so cool, with your internet winnings and your epeen waving. I hope I'm half as cool as you when I grow up.
WraithAzraiel wrote: »Oh you guys are so cool, with your internet winnings and your epeen waving. I hope I'm half as cool as you when I grow up.
WraithAzraiel wrote: »WraithAzraiel wrote: »Oh you guys are so cool, with your internet winnings and your epeen waving. I hope I'm half as cool as you when I grow up.
Hahah that's awesome.
Seriously I hope some of you guys go to Emerald City ComicCon next year, I feel the need to drink with my ESO adversaries.
WraithAzraiel wrote: »Oh you guys are so cool, with your internet winnings and your epeen waving. I hope I'm half as cool as you when I grow up.
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »WraithAzraiel wrote: »WraithAzraiel wrote: »Oh you guys are so cool, with your internet winnings and your epeen waving. I hope I'm half as cool as you when I grow up.
Hahah that's awesome.
Seriously I hope some of you guys go to Emerald City ComicCon next year, I feel the need to drink with my ESO adversaries.
I hope you enjoy your strawberry daiquiri in loneliness.
I missed this party at Drakelowe!!!
I'll just be a burrito.