I reactivated to enjoy the best new feature of 1.5.
"It takes 1,432,550 Experience Points to gain a Veteran Rank. We expect this to reduce the amount of time it takes to gain a Veteran Rank."
I went in thinking - great I can actually put in some time and feel like I'm getting closer towards my end game goal faster than pre 1.5.
Log in. Craglorn dead - everyone is saying that grind xp (the way I prefer to level) is dead. Doesn't exist anymore. Attempt to quest. XP is atrocious.
I'm a long time fan of DAoC moved to this game because it's the closest thing out there comparable to DAoC RVR/PVP. My goal is to hit end game content and solo/small man PVP. I have no interest in PVE. I hate large scale pvp it's mindless. I prefer fun interesting small scale fights - in my opinion that's where it's at. I've attempted to solo/small man it can be done - but if you run into anyone with VR's on you it's near impossible to kill a geared out/vet leveled player or group unless you choose to large scale battle - which I do not like.
I don't want veteran ranks handed to me I have no issues earning my ranks. I just want to be able to gain vet ranks in a reasonable amount of time so I can experience end game cyrodiil the way I'd prefer to play it.
15 hours per VR level is NOT REASONABLE. I do not want to have to spend 210 + hours VR1-14(on each character) to gain max VR to be competitive in Cyrodiil.
If something isn't drastically reworked you've lost me and my friends as subscribers.
Edited by mistermagic87b14_ESO on November 10, 2014 7:32PM PC - NA
Electronica Nightblade - In the works