+agree with Agrippa on the talons timer, I just think the cc immunity should actually work after the ability ends or you roll out. Rolling out just to get rooted again is ridiculous.
*edit- I'd also leave searing strike and if DKs get an execute, make it that useless first skill from earthen heart, whatever it's called. I'm a DK and I don't even know. It moves so slow that the only viable use for it is if you're basically face to face with someone. Increase its speed and make it an execute and it might become usable.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »+agree with Agrippa on the talons timer, I just think the cc immunity should actually work after the ability ends or you roll out. Rolling out just to get rooted again is ridiculous.
*edit- I'd also leave searing strike and if DKs get an execute, make it that useless first skill from earthen heart, whatever it's called. I'm a DK and I don't even know. It moves so slow that the only viable use for it is if you're basically face to face with someone. Increase its speed and make it an execute and it might become usable.
Stonefist? The one with the short knock down?
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »+agree with Agrippa on the talons timer, I just think the cc immunity should actually work after the ability ends or you roll out. Rolling out just to get rooted again is ridiculous.
*edit- I'd also leave searing strike and if DKs get an execute, make it that useless first skill from earthen heart, whatever it's called. I'm a DK and I don't even know. It moves so slow that the only viable use for it is if you're basically face to face with someone. Increase its speed and make it an execute and it might become usable.
Stonefist? The one with the short knock down?
Yea that one. I used it for a few days in the beginning of the game, but haven't touched it since because it moves so slowly.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »+agree with Agrippa on the talons timer, I just think the cc immunity should actually work after the ability ends or you roll out. Rolling out just to get rooted again is ridiculous.
*edit- I'd also leave searing strike and if DKs get an execute, make it that useless first skill from earthen heart, whatever it's called. I'm a DK and I don't even know. It moves so slow that the only viable use for it is if you're basically face to face with someone. Increase its speed and make it an execute and it might become usable.
Stonefist? The one with the short knock down?
Yea that one. I used it for a few days in the beginning of the game, but haven't touched it since because it moves so slowly.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »I don't understand why every class needs execute. Does every class not need a good self heal like Breath of Life or GDB then?
You can't Streak out of talons. You are still rooted at the end of the streak.
I'm surprised the OP is getting somewhat positive responses as I dislike everything he says. Besides the things that are wrong (DK passives helping destruction staff) there are also things fixed with the patch today (weapon swap breaking stealth. I think wings are very powerful but put a cast time on a 4 sec duration ability? Giving DKs more burst dmg and increasing their PVE DPS by a lot? Shaking my head at this post.
Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective scales was perfect when each hit drained magicka from it ( i know it was a bug ) but I tough it was balanced then.. I don't remember how much it was but it could be balanced. Now any good DK just has it up all the time. ( Please don't tell me it costs alot.. you know it doesn't really if you can make a proper build ).
Can anyone explain to me why the tooltip of scales says "Spell Projectiles" yet reflects almost every single projectile?
The best day in ESO ( hopefully i'm still subscribed by then ) will be when all DK's will cry nerf ! I think everyone in Cyrodill will drown because of too much tears.
michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective Scales is NOT fine. Watched a DK snatch 3 resources solo late Saturday simply by standing there spamming reflective scales, he used it to kill the tower mage, it then killed the healers in the center. He walked up the pin dropped a standard and moved on to the next.
It's NOW EFFECTING PVE so face it guys, it's coming.
Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »The tool tip has said "All Projectiles" for close to 3-4 months now.
Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective Scales is NOT fine. Watched a DK snatch 3 resources solo late Saturday simply by standing there spamming reflective scales, he used it to kill the tower mage, it then killed the healers in the center. He walked up the pin dropped a standard and moved on to the next.
It's NOW EFFECTING PVE so face it guys, it's coming.
And on my NB all I have to do is run in the middle of the guards and spam sap essence and drop veils as they come up to capture the resource. It just comes down to a method that works, all classes have a method.
michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective Scales is NOT fine. Watched a DK snatch 3 resources solo late Saturday simply by standing there spamming reflective scales, he used it to kill the tower mage, it then killed the healers in the center. He walked up the pin dropped a standard and moved on to the next.
It's NOW EFFECTING PVE so face it guys, it's coming.
And on my NB all I have to do is run in the middle of the guards and spam sap essence and drop veils as they come up to capture the resource. It just comes down to a method that works, all classes have a method.
Sorc? Templar?
Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective Scales is NOT fine. Watched a DK snatch 3 resources solo late Saturday simply by standing there spamming reflective scales, he used it to kill the tower mage, it then killed the healers in the center. He walked up the pin dropped a standard and moved on to the next.
It's NOW EFFECTING PVE so face it guys, it's coming.
And on my NB all I have to do is run in the middle of the guards and spam sap essence and drop veils as they come up to capture the resource. It just comes down to a method that works, all classes have a method.
Sorc? Templar?
I haven't played those classes but I found stuff online:
Sorcerer: A mix of pet spamming to keep the ground guards stunned and negates will do the trick.
Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Sypherpkub17_ESO wrote: »michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective Scales is NOT fine. Watched a DK snatch 3 resources solo late Saturday simply by standing there spamming reflective scales, he used it to kill the tower mage, it then killed the healers in the center. He walked up the pin dropped a standard and moved on to the next.
It's NOW EFFECTING PVE so face it guys, it's coming.
And on my NB all I have to do is run in the middle of the guards and spam sap essence and drop veils as they come up to capture the resource. It just comes down to a method that works, all classes have a method.
Sorc? Templar?
I haven't played those classes but I found stuff online:
Sorcerer: A mix of pet spamming to keep the ground guards stunned and negates will do the trick.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »You can't Streak out of talons. You are still rooted at the end of the streak.
I'm surprised the OP is getting somewhat positive responses as I dislike everything he says. Besides the things that are wrong (DK passives helping destruction staff) there are also things fixed with the patch today (weapon swap breaking stealth. I think wings are very powerful but put a cast time on a 4 sec duration ability? Giving DKs more burst dmg and increasing their PVE DPS by a lot? Shaking my head at this post.
The OP was one of the guys who suggested that Twin Sisters' 100% proc chance and damage stacking should not be fixed because it brought balance to the game somehow. He also claimed that fixing Twin Sisters was a NB nerf.
Go figure
decado0024_ESO wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »You can't Streak out of talons. You are still rooted at the end of the streak.
I'm surprised the OP is getting somewhat positive responses as I dislike everything he says. Besides the things that are wrong (DK passives helping destruction staff) there are also things fixed with the patch today (weapon swap breaking stealth. I think wings are very powerful but put a cast time on a 4 sec duration ability? Giving DKs more burst dmg and increasing their PVE DPS by a lot? Shaking my head at this post.
The OP was one of the guys who suggested that Twin Sisters' 100% proc chance and damage stacking should not be fixed because it brought balance to the game somehow. He also claimed that fixing Twin Sisters was a NB nerf.
Go figure
OK smart one. What I said was that the nerf to stealth damage was a nerf focused at nightblades. Sure its across the board but and I say this to you again, " show me any other class with a viable PVP build that is focused and based around stealth damage" . And as you cant do that you can shut up and stay on topic.
As far as Twin sisters set is concerned, It needed to be tweeked not nerfed. Sure procing on caltrops was wrong. But the proc rate was fine and one a moron would think the damage stacked if it was reapplied to the same person it wasn't stacked it was reset. Maybe next time you should fact check before you jump on a legit forum post.
And lets just be clear here so you are saying that because the root only applies after u streak away once its fine? So the 20 feet of distance u put between the sorc and the dk is fine? ***, its a root it isn't a root after u already get away.
decado0024_ESO wrote: »As far as Twin sisters set is concerned, It needed to be tweeked not nerfed. Sure procing on caltrops was wrong. But the proc rate was fine and one a moron would think the damage stacked if it was reapplied to the same person it wasn't stacked it was reset. Maybe next time you should fact check before you jump on a legit forum post.
decado0024_ESO wrote: »And lets just be clear here so you are saying that because the root only applies after u streak away once its fine? So the 20 feet of distance u put between the sorc and the dk is fine? ***, its a root it isn't a root after u already get away.
michaelb14a_ESO2 wrote: »Reflective Scales is fibe imo. Its strong fir sure but after all every class has awesome and unique skills. For a class with no ranged options its fine imo.
They should rather rework dk chains as there is barely any use to it.
Reflective Scales is NOT fine. Watched a DK snatch 3 resources solo late Saturday simply by standing there spamming reflective scales, he used it to kill the tower mage, it then killed the healers in the center. He walked up the pin dropped a standard and moved on to the next. While yes, other classes have some ability to solo resources as well, none are nowhere near this easy.
It's NOW EFFECTING PVE so face it guys, it's coming.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
I personally agree that you should have to dodge roll to get out of roots, but on the other hand I disagree with the increasing cost on streak. No other ability, whether it's a gap closer or a root has any cool-downs or increasing costs. If DK can spam talons fine by me, but then I should spam BE. Balance
Remember also Sorc is the only class with no stamina recovery by any means. Templars have repentance, DKs have a ton of them (gdb,any earthen heart ability, battle roar), NB have siphoning attacks. A sorc has none, thus if I get caught in melee range, sure I should have to pay the stamina to get out the roots, but then I should be able to BE to my hearts content.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Quick correction on DK synergy with fire staves -- Our Ardent Flame passives were all reworked to only apply to other Ardent Flame abilities. We lost that bonus damage and burning duration.
Most DKs use fire staves because fire is in theme and it wrecks vampires.
I agree about block casting, with one caveat. 1H/Shield abilities should be usable while blocking, perhaps as part of the top tier passive in the skill line. But only the 1H/Shield abilities. This should help tanks still be tanky in PvE content (as current PvE content is designed with block casting in game).
I strongly disagree about talons getting a cast timer. They've been nerfed several times already throughout the course of the game and are relatively balanced already. Roll once and you get your immunity timer.
Speaking of immunity timers, all CC should provide it. 3s after the duration ends or the break free occurs and you can't be CC'ed again. This prevents chain streaking, chain rooting, chain anything.