People have been going on about how the latest changes to AvA makes this game more "realistic".
But honestly a realistic war simulation is the last thing I would want as a game, here is why:
According to the memories of people who have been in real wars, it mainly consists of long boring waits and short moments of sheer terror.
This might be different in tales where the author sat in a big tank / awesome high tech helicopter / bomber / etc. fighting people armed only with small weapons - but as soon as two armies of similar capabilities meet then long waits are interspersed with unplanned moments of someone you cant see and cant fight back against trying to kill you.
For those who think real war is fun I recommend reading "Trench" by Stephen Bull, "Acceptable Loss" by Kregg P.J. Jorgenson, "Ground Truth" by Patrick Bishop and "Guns Up" by Johnnie Clark.
You will have enough time while riding back to the fight or just waiting for Inc at your home keep.