fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »
They will remove the VR ranks with the introduction of the Championship System. The problem you are describing is just a temporary problem.
If you're currently doing Cadwell's silver, and are at VR3 in Rivenspire, you should be able to reach VR 4 -5 doing all the quests the the last two DC zones.
By the time you complete Cadwell's gold , you should be a least VR-9 or 10.
You also have the solo quests in Cyrodiil?
I could wrong on this but the reach VR-14 you will need start doing Craghorn group dungeons or join a campaign., or the new Undauned Quests in update 1.5
Cherryblossom wrote: »I have to agree, I have a V3 and I need another 600000xp to hit V4.
I'm currently getting 499xp per quest, so on this basis I need another 1200 quests to hit V4. Is this working as intended or have they added a lot more quests I'm unaware of?
Cherryblossom wrote: »I have to agree, I have a V3 and I need another 600000xp to hit V4.
I'm currently getting 499xp per quest, so on this basis I need another 1200 quests to hit V4. Is this working as intended or have they added a lot more quests I'm unaware of?
Discovering new locations, etc now also helps gain Vet rank, like pre-level 50 levelling.
dzugarueb17_ESO wrote: »I think now every vet level has the same amount of exp needed. Before - it was growing. So first level obviously will be slowed down greatly and last ones - sped up. Overall time to vr14 should decrease.
dzugarueb17_ESO wrote: »I think now every vet level has the same amount of exp needed. Before - it was growing. So first level obviously will be slowed down greatly and last ones - sped up. Overall time to vr14 should decrease.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »
There are ways to do the solo stuff and avoid other players:
1) Pick a campaign were your faction is winning.
2) Always sneak (its slow, but it works most of the time).When your stamina runs low just stop until it builds up. You can sneak from cover to cover.
3) Do the questing during the morning hours on school days hours if possible, or during school days from 12:30 am to 6:00 am.
4) Join a guild, or group and ask for assistant in completing the quest.
The PVP element makes the questing more intense and challenging.
I'll give you a perfect example:
I was in Cyrodiil exploring a troll mine, and came across another alliance player, who was getting his butt kick when he backed into two other trolls while fighting a third one. I had the option of letting him die, or helping him out. I opted to help him out, and we decided on a truce and cleaned out the mine together. I expected that he would be waiting to jump me once the mine was cleared, but he bowed to me and left the mine.
Another occasion, I was ambushed by a NB who tried to one shot me with a bow, and as soon as I was hit, I streaked to cover and when into sneak mode until I lost him. Eventually, we crossed paths again, but this time, I caught him camping near a shard, and I ambushed him from behind; he never knew what hit him.
in my opinion, PVP is more challenging than PVE because players are smarter than NPC's and the battles are more intense.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »Odd, it shouldn't be as long or longer as it was prior to 1.5 to gain a Vet Rank. ZOS stated: "It takes 1,432,550 Experience Points to gain a Veteran Rank. We expect this to reduce the amount of time it takes to gain a Veteran Rank."
So unless they greatly reduced the XP gain without saying anything, something's off.
Cherryblossom wrote: »I have to agree, I have a V3 and I need another 600000xp to hit V4.
I'm currently getting 499xp per quest, so on this basis I need another 1200 quests to hit V4. Is this working as intended or have they added a lot more quests I'm unaware of?
OK so I recently started making a character on EP to join some friends after having 3 vet ranked characters on DC so I am well versed in how long it takes to level questing. So I got 76% into vr 2 prior to the patch and was about 50% through stormhaven (vr2 zone) I am now almost done with all of rivenspire (including all but a couple dolmens side quests, ect) and I am only about 35% into vr 3. At this rate I will be lucky to hit vr 6 by the time I reach reapers march (vr 10 zone). The quest exp needs to be buffed pronto, questing is half as effective as it previously was.
When I paid attention, I noticed the V1 mobs were giving very little XP, but I usually just glance at my bar every once in a while to see how things are going when I'm having fun.
I'll have to try some quests (I'm still not done with Stormhaven) and I will check to see how much XP that gives me now.
OK so I recently started making a character on EP to join some friends after having 3 vet ranked characters on DC so I am well versed in how long it takes to level questing. So I got 76% into vr 2 prior to the patch and was about 50% through stormhaven (vr2 zone) I am now almost done with all of rivenspire (including all but a couple dolmens side quests, ect) and I am only about 35% into vr 3. At this rate I will be lucky to hit vr 6 by the time I reach reapers march (vr 10 zone). The quest exp needs to be buffed pronto, questing is half as effective as it previously was.
If you're currently doing Cadwell's silver, and are at VR3 in Rivenspire, you should be able to reach VR 4 -5 doing all the quests the the last two DC zones.
By the time you complete Cadwell's gold , you should be a least VR-9 or 10.
You also have the solo quests in Cyrodiil?
I could wrong on this but the reach VR-14 you will need start doing Craghorn group dungeons or join a campaign., or the new Undauned Quests in update 1.5
No I'm 35% into vr3 but most of my gains came pre patch. I was 76% into vr2 halfway through stormhaven. Therefore I have only gained around 50% of a rank I'm what equates to 100% of a zone. There are only 10 zone so that doesn't go well, you used to get 80-100% of a level. Questing exp has literally been cut in half. As for champion system, we won't see that for 2-4 months at best, so its not really a temporary problem.
I hope your wrong about the 1.5 update. I'd been averaging about 2 VR gains every three zones before the update.