I love what you did with FC removal. However, we dont want travel to be an anxious trip to return to the fight. Here are some original ideas i came up with.
*Updated one idea 11/14/14: You could make forward encampments:- a piece of equipment that functions like a siege shield but offers additional bonuses to armor/spell resist and other defensive bonuses. These encampments could even have a small group of npc guards. However, this equipment would not be placeable in any already fortified location like resources/outposts/keeps/temples/home base. This would allow it to be a marker for players to regroup/gather/organize from when pushing towards an enemy keep.
1. Offer a minimum 50% horse speed buff to all players entering Cyrodiil. This helps the players who have very slow horses stay with their groups and also not feel they are a hindrance to their group for being behind so often.
2. In a keep you own that isnt starbursted, and all 3 resources are also owned- you can resurrect at a resource keep instead of inside the keep. This is a great idea because it takes away having to ressurect inside a major keep, taking a postern door, the another door, to leave the keep. It also gives a nice boost in the direction you want to go.
3. Reduce the cost of retreating manuevers or extend the time to 45 seconds and widen the range. Remove the weapon damage buff and add a morph that promotes buffing a large area of players with lots of speed.
4. Provide additonal protection to players inside the siege shield spell when he is on a siege. Provide less benefit to those not on siege.
5. Improve scatter shot catapult and all other lesser used siege equipment. Lets make them practical or at least improve their specific use. Lightning and frost too.
6. Allow 10%-15% more speed while mounted and riding on major roads.
7. 3. If all 3 resources are taken at an enemy keep, the last resource taken, can be resurrected at indefinately until any *one resource is taken and/or the keep is unbursted. This is a great idea because it gives the enemy tactical options instead of turtling inside a keep. It gets them organized to take a resource. The ressurecting would be extremely limited because you would have to cover all 3 resources and still be trying to take a keep....spreading armies too thin. The battles that would take place under this system would be exciting and tactical.
8. Piggybacking. The leader of a groups horse speed will be the groups overrall speed as well. For example: if the leader has 60% speed, then all member would have 60% speed. Mounted only of course. While this could be a problem for people who want to lead but have slow horses...its outweighed by the number of people left behind.
9. Create an easy keybind or some kind of option that highlights a players health bar in a raid group and shows if he is currently afk, turning in a quest, or scouting. If i could right click my group bar and highlight it with a note for all to see, it would make things much easier for a leader and members to know why you arent where you are supposed to be. This is a huge thing in Cyrodiil for leaders and now that we cant bloodport, even more important.
10. Allow a raid leader to move members within his raid group to different sections. You have group 1,2,3,4,5,6 and each section has 4 members. Many times, good leaders want to split groups 1,2,3 and 4,5,6 to do different things but it becomes problematic when most of the healers or damage dealers or tanks are all in one section. This would be a huge benefit to promoting tactical play and making things fun.
Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
Vr14 Dk bow/2h
Brayan Blackthunder
Daggerfall Covenant