Black_Wolf88 wrote: »regardless of how fast undaunted seems to level, not giving credit in undaunted for achievements done prior to the update is just stupid and wrong.
PS. We are all very impressed by how special is your snowy specialeness and are very impressed by your achievement point count. You deserve better!!!
Stop whining...
lol, have a smilely face
Hortator Mopa wrote: »If you truly think that the logic behind this is "shut up stop complaining" then you are a potato at playing games. This is a clear cut disadvantage and only a player who is far behind on content because they suck would think its ok for someone better then them who actually played the game content to miss out on the benefits of being credited where credit is due.
Can you please add in your signature: /played /million gold earned /million gold spent /lowbies helped?
That way we get to know you better.
Hortator Mopa wrote: »If you truly think that the logic behind this is "shut up stop complaining" then you are a potato at playing games. This is a clear cut disadvantage and only a player who is far behind on content because they suck would think its ok for someone better then them who actually played the game content to miss out on the benefits of being credited where credit is due.
^My new hero.
It'd be one thing if everyone started out at the same undaunted level and could raise it just as fast as anyone else. But the fact that players who have completed all of the achievements already ARE ACTUALLY BEING PENALIZED, quite heavily in terms of how long this grind is going to take, is just nuts.
Also, I wouldn't be complaining at all if they had just added in two more worthless active skills, but man. Dem passives.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »Have you even looked at how many achievements there are for VR City of Ash? That alone should account for a whole level.
Hortator Mopa wrote: »Can you please add in your signature: /played /million gold earned /million gold spent /lowbies helped?
That way we get to know you better.
In your eyes what is worthy of a sig?
This is a achievement that I got and from the sounds of it you are just salty you have not done as much.Hortator Mopa wrote: »If you truly think that the logic behind this is "shut up stop complaining" then you are a potato at playing games. This is a clear cut disadvantage and only a player who is far behind on content because they suck would think its ok for someone better then them who actually played the game content to miss out on the benefits of being credited where credit is due.
^My new hero.
It'd be one thing if everyone started out at the same undaunted level and could raise it just as fast as anyone else. But the fact that players who have completed all of the achievements already ARE ACTUALLY BEING PENALIZED, quite heavily in terms of how long this grind is going to take, is just nuts.
Also, I wouldn't be complaining at all if they had just added in two more worthless active skills, but man. Dem passives.
I agree and thank you. The last passive is so good... but hey apparently its easy to say "shut up" when you are not the one being held back.nerevarine1138 wrote: »Have you even looked at how many achievements there are for VR City of Ash? That alone should account for a whole level.
yea there is a lot but have you gone there? they are not fast and simple. I did all the others ones that YOU would get credit for but I didn't.
I agree. The point isn't that we can't level it up. The point is that we ALREADY LEVELED IT UP. So where're our passives?>.>
Because it didn't exist before. New features, new effort.Hortator Mopa wrote: »Wow most of these replies have no logic in them....
1) Just do the stuff they added
A) It is much slower, why should I have to miss out on credit for things I already did when other players can do that stuff and get credit.
Well I don't want players to get things without effort. Why don't we all just start out at highest level and mash each other in cyrodiil for a while?Hortator Mopa wrote: »2) Why do you want it so fast?
A) Because I want what ever other player is allowed to get, Why do others have to play like you and why cant I do things just as fast as anyone else.
There are lots of games that aren't what I want to do. I don't play them.Hortator Mopa wrote: »3) It gives you more to do.
A) Maybe this is not what I WANT to do. So instead I want a level and even playing field seeing I already did it all.
"I pay a not insignificant amount of money to play a game I don't wanna play that much! Give me things!" Herp derp...? That part made your opinion even MORE valuable!Hortator Mopa wrote: »4) I am already close to 6 herp derp.
A) Good for you, for me to get 7 I need to do a bunch of slow achievements such as the complete 100 pledges which would take no less then 50 days +. You could get it in one night doing the right easy achievements that I did not get credit for. That means I am at a disadvantage for completing the game more then someone else prior to this update.
Ah yes, the age old "you suck" argument. Game. Set. Match. You win.Hortator Mopa wrote: »If you truly think that the logic behind this is "shut up stop complaining" then you are a potato at playing games. This is a clear cut disadvantage and only a player who is far behind on content because they suck would think its ok for someone better then them who actually played the game content to miss out on the benefits of being credited where credit is due.
And here you are, needing to burn.Hortator Mopa wrote: »Sometimes game communities online make no sense and need to burn.
Ok, I get who you are/why you did this now... Still:Hortator Mopa wrote: »
Maybe if you're so OK with doing things, you could just do them?Hortator Mopa wrote: »
Of course you would. You're owed! Someone has perpetrated some SERIOUS injustice! THERE MUST BE RECOMPENSE!Hortator Mopa wrote: »
I agree. The point isn't that we can't level it up. The point is that we ALREADY LEVELED IT UP. So where're our passives?>.>
Dublicious wrote: »
As already been's based on one-time achievements. If you haven't done, say, BC hardmode yet, you can go do it and get 50 points. If *I* go do BC hardmode I'll get 0 points because I've already done it. How is THAT fair?Dublicious wrote: »
As already been's based on one-time achievements. If you haven't done, say, BC hardmode yet, you can go do it and get 50 points. If *I* go do BC hardmode I'll get 0 points because I've already done it. How is THAT fair?Dublicious wrote: »
Besides, the achievements are still all there. It should be really easy to backtrack.
Dublicious wrote: »
It's based on achievements you can't get once you've done them. He cleared the achievement, and gets no credit.
How is this unclear?
(That's rhetorical... you're a troll, here's a cookie.)
Dublicious wrote: »As already been's based on one-time achievements. If you haven't done, say, BC hardmode yet, you can go do it and get 50 points. If *I* go do BC hardmode I'll get 0 points because I've already done it. How is THAT fair?Dublicious wrote: »
Besides, the achievements are still all there. It should be really easy to backtrack.
NUUUUUUUPPPEEEE. I got undaunted XP last night for a dungeon I'd already done. Did you try it?
Dublicious wrote: »As already been's based on one-time achievements. If you haven't done, say, BC hardmode yet, you can go do it and get 50 points. If *I* go do BC hardmode I'll get 0 points because I've already done it. How is THAT fair?Dublicious wrote: »
Besides, the achievements are still all there. It should be really easy to backtrack.
NUUUUUUUPPPEEEE. I got undaunted XP last night for a dungeon I'd already done. Did you try it?
Yes. I did BC hardmode last night. My Undaunted skilltree is at 25/200 due to pledges' achieves I think. Hardmode gives 50 points, which are obviously not there. Any more questions?